Seenserion company produces heat and moisture sensor SHT11 humidity measurement and control circuit is made with. The circuit can be used in many different purposes. For example, agricultural irrigation, soil humidity, according to the soil to make our daily life, environment or watering the moisture to check (under normal circumstances, the current environment has to be 45%-55% humidity)
Summary; Mucha Elijah that moisture, humidity set on while the relay is open. The humidity value falls below the value in our draws and arranged irrigation starts.
humidity measurement circuit made just realized. Another feature of the sensor in the temperature measurement is doing. Friends who want to open all the source code of the circuit can improve circuit.
Humidity control circuit of the printed circuit Proteus ares, simulation, PicBasic Pro PbP and hex code files:
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2011/02/13 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f88 projects, picbasic pro examples
Unipolar Stepper Motor Control Circuit with PIC16F877
Hello friends, this article, unipolar stepper motor control circuit related work.
The purpose of this circuit is connected to unpolar stepper motor I designed buttons, select the number of steps we determined the direction, speed, and with it a system that implements the step motor commands. Pic16f877 microcontroller circuit.