NE5532 Preamplifier Tone Control Circuit Based on the two-channel stereo preamplifier circuit ne5532 op amp and bass, treble, balance, volume control can do. NE5532 preamp tone control circuit supply symmetrical +-12v positive regulator 7812, 7912 small 12v negative regulator controller batteries connected in series for low current drawn by the circuit can be operated.
Preamplifier circuit ne5532 op amp based on stereo two-channel and the bass, treble, balance, volume control. Preamplifier circuit check supply tons of symmetric + NE5532-12v (7812 7912 negative positive regulator, the regulator) low flow for taking small 12v control by connecting to the circuit in series.
Preamplifier Tone Control Circuit of NE5532 eagle pcb, schema files:
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2011/01/08 Tags: audio control circuits
Digital Voltage Probe PIC18F242
In this article we will talk about Making Voltage Probe. First, let me explain what is the voltage probe. Voltage Probe, displays the amount of voltage at one point. In addition to a digital value, may include features such as logic states.
We will do a digital voltage probes made with the PIC18F242 Voltage Probe. To measure the voltage of the built-in PIC 10-Bit 10-Bit adc’s the kullanacağız.ancak not as I’ve used the 8-Bit.
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open “preamp_ver1.sch” and follow the steps shown in the picture
Hi, thank you for the advice.
I built the preamplifier, but it doesn’t work. What is your email, I need to ask a few questions.
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