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A simple but useful and stable circuit. In this state, it easily operates a 50W lamp without needing cooling. Of course, it got a little hot in my 100W experiments by connecting another one in parallel, but we can solve this problem by extending the length of the PCB a little and expanding the cooling…
It is actually a simple circuit that makes a flip flop with three different opamp types. The PCB design of the elector is slightly different and the sockets used for testing are assembled using solder. I made a new PCB drawing that collects all the elements on the mounting face, so we have nothing to…
A simple battery discharge protection circuit implemented with TL431, BC557 transistors and a small number of resistors. The power line is controlled with an N-Channel MOSFET instead of a relay, so its current consumption is lower than the relay. The protection circuit triggers the MOSFET and gives output around 13.6V, and cuts off the output…
A project using RFID-RC522 module and PIC16F628A to perform access control with RFID Key cards. Adapted from Arduino “AcessControl” software. The PIC16F628A software is written in CCS C to work without SPI hardware. The RFID-RC522 module performs the entire radio frequency communication process (13.56 Mhz) with RFID tags. An RFID tag is an electronic tag…
The TDA2030 Bridge amplifier can be used with a single source power supply. Working voltage DC 12V…. It is between 32V and can be operated with 12V battery, 24V battery, SMPS adapters or transformer power supply. (power of the voltage source according to the output power is 50W…60W) The principle of the TDA2030 Bridge connection…
I did not like the PCB design of this application of Elektor and rearranged it myself. 🙂 There is even another variation of the same scheme on the site. (12 Volt 24 Volt DC DC Converter Circuit BUZ11) The aim is to make the circuit board smaller and get rid of the heat sink issue.…
TDA2005 is a classic integrated circuit that achieves great things with low voltage. You can use it as a stereo or bridge depending on its location. It does not hesitate to protect itself in high temperatures and short circuit situations. In this study, we did a sweaty bridge connection study with him. Although it is…
The SMPS Transformer tester is an inexpensive and effective way to test any high Q inductive component. The flyback is particularly useful for performing a quick check on line output transformers and other high frequency wound components such as bias yoke windings and SMPS transformers. Various measurements have shown that SMPS transformers can detect at…
It is stated that the circuit of the device developed for the treatment of stuttering was developed by chance and emerged with the suggestion of a person who had a stuttering problem and managed to eliminate it. The amplifier works problematically due to the wrong value of a capacitor in the circuit. It makes a…
The latest, packaged version of the calculation programs shared in the articles Advanced SMPS Transformer Design Program ExcellentIT and SMPS Converter Coil Transformer Calculation Programs has been updated for about 13 years, and the author has made a great effort. Unfortunately @Starichok master stopped developing. I had to use the Excellent IT 9.1 version, but…