Complete Speaker Protection Circuit

| August 4, 2019 Updated
Complete Speaker Protection Circuit

Transistor protection circuit for the amp speaker I’ve shared before, “and led Delayed-Exciting DC Speaker protection circuit” The advanced form of the application is different.

with the characteristics of the speaker protection circuit; detects a DC voltage leakage which can damage speakers, the speaker disconnects the amplifier from short-circuit (overcurrent protection), overheating protection and thermostat with LED indicator present.

Speaker Protection Circuit



1-pcb-schematic-speaker-delay-circuit-speaker-protection-circuit-120x120 2pcb-schematic-speaker-delay-circuit-speaker-protection-circuit-120x120 3-pcb-schematic-speaker-delay-circuit-speaker-protection-circuit-120x120 4-pcb-schematic-speaker-delay-circuit-speaker-protection-circuit-120x120

-R and L in the transistor amplifier + pro places the supply line from the output resistance of emitter end before the tr must be connected. Amfide how many en have, in parallel. So in this State, the 2 + 2 trli amplifier.

-Res resistors 12v relay to exceed level should be selected by evaluating the 12v to u,

-Circuit feed if the separate power supply gnd in line if amp should be taken from those stars gnd.

-Metal boxes from the screw to pad gnd connection to ‘ ‘ place the Earth near the land behind the icon with led cable can use by making the jump.

-Therm A, normally conductive (i.e. cold) 60-70 degrees optional thermostat. To select which is the short circuit should be done.

pcb, schematic files:


Published: 2016/04/22 Tags:

2 Comments “Complete Speaker Protection Circuit

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

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  2. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte

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    mit den Eigenschaften der Lautsprecher-Schutzschaltung; erkennt eine DC-Spannung Leckage kann zur Beschädigung der Lautsprecher, die Lautsprecher trennt den Verstärker vor Kurzschluss-(überstrom-Schutz), überhitzungsschutz und thermostat mit LED-Anzeige vorhanden.


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