Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Amplifier For RGB Led Strips

| 2019/12/08

Amplifier for RGB strips The dynamically developing field of LED lighting means that a whole range of devices related to such applications is needed. One of them is the amplifier described here, which allows you to increase the current efficiency of the controller. Scheme of the RGB LED strips amplifier is shown in Figure 1.…

MCP602 Sound card adapter

| 2019/12/08

Sound card adapter Multiple devices can be connected to the audio signal output of a computer sound card at the same time: a tower, a TV set, a speaker set, etc. Each of these devices loads the output to some extent and it may happen that the signal attenuation is too strong. This circuit is…

Dark Switch Circuit with 741 Opamp

| 2019/12/08

The circuit diagram you see in the picture works as a dark switch with the LDR on it. The circuit consists of four resistors, a 741 opamp, two potentiometers (optional trimpot available), an LDR, a switching TIP122 transistor and a lamp. In the circuit, the value of the resistor R1 is directly proportional to the…

555 Led Dimmer Circuit IRFZ44

| 2019/12/08

The Led dimmer circuit you see in the diagram works like a DC dimmer, the brightness of a number of led groups can be increased or decreased. The supply of the circuit is + 12V and the led groups are grouped in series and parallel so as not to exceed the circuit supply. The circuit…

2.1 Preamp Bass Filter Circuit 4558 Opamp

| 2019/12/08

For the 2.1 amplifier project, I prepared a 4558 opamp preamplifier subwoofer filter circuit. The circuit is based on 2 4558 opamps, with the main audio input and bass output volume adjustment. Power supply symmetrical + -15VDC The PCB drawing was not very regular because I had to prepare it very urgently, but I ran…

Speaker Repair Coil Replacement

| 2019/12/08

In general, the loudspeaker coil will light up as a result of overload or if the amplifier fails and supplies DC voltage to the output. Generally, repairs are not made for low-power speakers, but for expensive high-power speakers, repair is more economical. Tools for replacing the speaker coil; Hobby drill or hand motor Scissors Soldering…

JTAG AVR Programmer Isolator

| 2019/12/08

The Jtag Isolator device is intended for designers working with devices supplied with voltage dangerous to life or at a potential much higher than the potential of the earth. In the JTAG isolator, the connector on the programmer’s side is 10-instead of 6-pin and fits the JTAG output, which also contains ISP lines in the…

Solenoid Coil Power Reducer Circuit

| 2019/12/08

Solenoid valves are devices widespread in industry and outside. The indisputable convenience of use is paid for by the considerable power consumption of the coil, which – obviously – heats up to a significant temperature, while high force is needed only during the movement of the core in the electromagnet. The presented system allows to…

Raspberry Pi Extension Module

| 2019/12/08

Raspberry Pi GPIO GPIO Pi B + extension module The described extension module design allows the use of Raspberry Pi + in control and control applications, providing access to all GPIO signals available in the new version. 14 × GPIO with 3.3 V CMOS logic level 8 × GPIO with level converter to the 5…

Soft Start Circuit For DC motors

| 2019/12/08

Electric motors, in addition to many obvious advantages, also have some disadvantages. One of them is the consumption of a much higher current during start-up compared to the current consumed during normal operation, which can overload the power supply. The schematic diagram of the “soft start” system is shown in figure. The multivibrator with the…