Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..
Circuit diagrams of many welding machines available on the market, even if the brands do not match the model numbers, welding machine service manuals. Some models have the same control, driver floors only IGBT, transformer, etc. It was launched in different models by increasing its power. Welding Machine Schema List AIKEN Weld Ranger 160 MWD160…
Even though regulated circuits over transformerless direct mains voltage are not recommended, they are used in many circuits, products, especially in the lighting industry. In general, simple regulated circuits with serial capacitors and zener are used. This circuit is made of more advanced 2-stage regulated. In this way, high output current is provided. 230v mains…
Method: Salvaging ferrite cores Why The world is full of electronics being unceremoniously discarded. Said electronics contains power supplies. Said power supplies contain a number of magnetics, namely transformers and chokes with ferrite cores, of all sorts of sizes and shapes (well, usually E or EI, but anyway). A computer power supply will have several.…
Since TO − 204 sheath power transistors are used, cooler, pcb assembly etc. a challenging but high quality design. The amplifier has Output short-circuit protection. T22 and T23 take current measurements over 0.47-ohm resistor and take the T11 and T12 to the cut and go to protection. You can increase the protection sensitivity by reducing…
There are alternatives on the market with 4 TR2516T1 ultrasonic transmitter plow transmitter 25kHz 16mm dimensions, the output of which is installed on the CD4093A integrated circuit of the ultrasonic dog repellent circuit, powered by BSS88 mosfets. Output peak voltage can rise up to 85-90V, frequency adjustment can be made with R1 trimpot. In the…
The program for panel design is free. It can be used for panel design of electronic device boxes, boards, industrial boxes. dfx can be imported and exported win 10, 7, 8 xp 32 and 64 bit versions are at a level that can do professional work. The program is in English, detailed usage information is…
LTspice XVII is a schematic, circuit simulation program. LTspice has gone through a full rewrite process to improve the simulator’s performance, fix bugs, and expand the simulator to run industry-standard semiconductor and behavior models. A digital simulation feature has been added, including co-simulation. Extensive enhancements have been made to the analog SPICE simulator, such as…
Microchip PIC18LF4550 produced for microcontroller, TFT, LCD etc. prepared for development board. applications. The PIC18LF4550 project board has a circuit diagram and all projects have source MPLAB C18 codes. It can be difficult for beginners to implement, but it is useful to have all the resources up to library files. Application of PIC18LF4550 SHT1X Temperature…
microchip Picless line tracking robot is a simple design to create a basic line tracking robot with CNY70 sensor and a few additional components instead of making a pic or arduino line following robot. In the diagram shown, you can see how the circuit works, when the led of the CNY70 sensor reflects a reflective…
Synthesizer, Guitar Effect Pedals Flanger etc. While various projects are generally circuits with Synthesizer signal generation, there are different projects. All projects have detailed descriptions of source assembly and hex codes. In translation, “Envelope generators” stands for Turkish as “envelope generator”. I’m not sure if the translation is not correct; Envelope generators are circuits that…