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In addition to measuring voltage, current, power and temperature, the meter can also calculate the resistance of an attached load. However, this is not the most important difference – more importantly, this meter can also measure negative voltage and current. Recommendations: the meter can be used in a laboratory power supply or other power system.…
The ATmega168 project is a continuation of devices with DMX interface designed for set designers, people involved in the setting of events, musicians, etc. Our controller is able to control four servos, with which you can, for example, control lighting or animated elements of the scenery. After the transmission decay, the servos may be in…
Driving a car into the garage after dark can be fatal if it has no lighting. The presented system automatically switches on the lighting, without leaving the vehicle. He will also remember to turn them off later. The switch system is designed for 230V AC supply. It works by detecting a beam of light (coming…
The BLDC motor control circuit based on the STM32F405RG has a highly developed design. All materials except power solids capacitors are in SMD type. Power Mosfets ipt007n06n is a difficult circuit design but it can be useful for similar projects. 8-layer PCB drawing file prepared with source code and Kicad was shared. Sensorless vector control…
Amplifier features delay, dc protection and temperature monitoring across the speaker protection circuits. Since the application of short circuit protection is not flexible, most speakers are not in the protection circuit. You can use the appropriate one according to your amp, which will include various short circuit protection circuits. For the first circuit transistor amp…
Remote control potentiometer PIC12F629 control protocol RC5 built on microcontroller System An infrared receiver that controls the stepper motor mounted behind the potentiometer. The protocol is similar to the RC-5 protocol, using Manchester encoding is 13 bits long. After the first bit of two bits is skipped, the length of 1.06 ms is measured, followed…
Very simple designs compared to complex Solar chargers but very useful. Loss is minimized as the first battery charge circuit LM741 opamp uses mosfet in the power control. Mosfet IRF3205 used Author’s explanation about the 741 Opamp circuit; FRIENDS As you know, the charging circuits spend some of the current as heat in the transistor.…
Unipolar Step Motor driver circuit up to 20A. It works with maximum power 20A, Maximum 100V, Over temperature protection, Half step and full step operation. Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver circuit L297 integrated on L297 integrated circuit is powered by mosfets and high power motor version is provided. Tests were done in the workshop with Mach…
Amplifier solid Kenwood KAC-718 model subwoofer filter, DC DC converter, Fan control circuit uPC1237HA protection, circuits are taken from Kenwood KAC-716 model. Technical Specifications of Car Amplifier: Maximum Power Output (at 4Ω, 100Hz) 1x 240W Nominal Power Output (4Ω) (0.08% THD at 100Hz, Supply 14.4 volts). 120W Nominal Power Output (2Ω) (0.8% THD at 100Hz,…
Active subwoofer filter circuit based on TL072 Opamp is designed for use with Power amplifier with good parameters (narrow frequency response). The transition band of the filter is between about 10Hz (bottom) and 80Hz. + -12v symmetrical Zenerli regulated circuit Max. input voltage + – 38VDC There are PCB and diagram drawings, material list prepared…