Category Archive: Electronics Projects

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SG3525 SMPS Laboratory Switching Power Supply 0-30 V 0-5 A

| 2020/04/27

SG3525 Adjustable SMPS 0-30V 0-5A Laboratory Switching Power Supply The SG3525A circuit was selected as the PWM modulator for controlling the switching power supply. It is a PWM modulator specially designed for control of switching power supplies. It has it two complementary outputs of the PWM signal, alternating one output can only range from 0…

UC3843 UC3845 Welding Inverter Circuit LiFePO4 Powered

| 2020/04/27

UC3845 LiFePO4 switch mode power supply charger. In order to simplify the connection, reduce the number of components and reduce the expected sources of problems, the following sections have been omitted around the UC3843 circuit. On pin number 2, overcurrent protection UC3843, a peak detector formed was launched components D10, C30 and R30 and pin…

TIP147 TIP142 Amplifier Circuit 200W Music Power

| 2020/04/27

Darlington Transistor TIP147 TIP142 Amplifier Circuit – Output power @ 4 ohm: 100 W; – Output power @ 8 ohms: 70 W; – Distortion (THD @ 1 kHz / 10 W): 0.02%; – S / N ratio: 115 dB; – Bandwidth: 3 Hz ÷ 200 kHz; – Sensitivity: 600 mVeff; – Supply voltage: 2×30 Vac;…

Adjustable Delay Circuit

| 2020/04/27

An uncomplicated layout that will perfectly test sift wherever necessary delay the application of any device. Delay time it can be adjusted from about 2 to 120 seconds. It may find use on for example, in a car, in the role of a system delaying the application of any receiver, e.g. The main element The…

TDA1517 2×6W Miniature Amplifier Circuit

| 2020/04/27

A full-fledged stereo power amplifier with the TDA1517 chip. It is powered by single voltage, achieves 2×6W output power at 4 Ω load. The whole is designed as a small module with dimensions of 30mm × 38mm, which “will fit anywhere”. The TDA1517 amplifier module can be used in self-made sound equipment or mounted in…

UC3844 Motor Speed Controller Circuit

| 2020/04/27

UC3844 is popular current mode PWM controller which is commonly found on DC to DC converter circuits and switch mode power supplies. This pwm motor speed controller is also based on UC3844 and it is specifically design to drive 20VDC 24VDC motors. In this given DC Motor Speed Controller configuration UC3844 50kHz to 240kHz PWM…

Interesting Arduino Circuits

| 2020/04/26

Some projects with PIC Microcontrollers have been implemented with Arduino modules. Converting Arduino software for PIC or vice versa, though not very interesting. There are Arduino and PIC source codes. Arduino Talking Clock The watch tells the time by playing tracks from the SD card. SD is FAT32 format. Tracks are 22,050 KHz, 8 bit,…

19 Amp Motor Driver Circuit For Powerful Robot Projects

| 2020/04/26

A motor driver circuit designed specifically for robotic projects using high power collector motors, with or without PWM modulation with a Microcontroller or debug card, to fully control two motors. The drive is made with a symmetrical dual channel digital controlled circuit. It allows you to change the axis rotation direction independently for two motors,…

300W LLC Resonant Switch Mode Power Supply SMPS

| 2020/04/26

LLC Resonant SMPS circuit 2X150W Amplifier circuit designed for power supply Circuit IRS27952 DC DC Resonant converter integrated on the circuit can supply 200W continuously 300W as peak (approx. there is. Efficiency of the power supply: between 92..94%. All information about the LLC Resonant SMPS project is given, transformer winding information, sprint layout pcb drawing.…

20 dB Vu meter Circuit LM3916

| 2020/04/26

LM3916 Vu meter Circuit Indicator rna 10-point reading field made of LEDs. The diodes were scaled in dB, transmitting irn, from D4 to D13, respectively, the following weights: -20 dB, -10 dB, -7 dB, -5 dB, -3 dB, -1 dB, 0 dB, +1 dB, +2 dB, +3 dB. The LED indicator may work in line…