Professional AVR Experiment Board USB ISP Programmer Circuit

| August 2, 2019 Updated
Professional AVR Experiment Board  USB ISP Programmer Circuit

AVR programs for people who have been a perfect set of experiments detailed quality work on further set of experiments USB (FT232) in the programmer’s ISP.

AVR development kit features

SIPO 74HCT164, Deco’s 74HCT42, ADC MCP3202, MCP4921 DAC, AD9833 DDS, LED and LED display, IR Receiver, Isısan LM35 sensor DS18B20, LCD HD44780, S6A0069 Graphic LCD TC6963 S6B0107

Memory EEPROM 24C08 I2C Display this tone led potentiometer meter controls input and output pins FT232 and ATMega8 usb ISP programmer (STK500-AVRISP is selected as) AVR Prog, AVR Studio, Bascom AVR IDE program works with.

Microcontrollers avr atmega8 tested ATMEGA84 ATMEGA88 ATMega16 ATMEGA32 set of experiments the operating voltage of AC: DC 12-18V or 15-24V

atmel-avr-development-dds-adc-dac-lcd-glcd-120x120 avr-adc-mcp3202-dac-mcp4921-dds-ad9833-led-lm35-ds18b20-lcd-hd44780-s6A0069-tc6963-s6b0107-120x120 avr-deney-seti-atmel-deneme-gelistirme-120x120 professional-avr-development-board-120x120

Circuit pcb sprint layout prepared by the first time such a large size drawing of the sprinter made ​​with saw file “Sprint-Layout-Viewer” (viewlayout50.ex) program with a layer extension pcb file and printer output you can get.

Bayut sets of printed circuit A4 will be as follows


Print circuit drawing “grount plane” used this plaque the blanks by drawing the boumien filled in ensures filled places usually chassis is roaring, the interference cancellation ideal for different aims of may be), but in this way amateur printed circuit extraction methods may question a very good short-circuit control should make almost anywhere that copper is going to check in between the layers to disable this feature “ground plane” you must turn off



Published: 2011/01/29 Tags:

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