RGB Led Strip Microphone VU Meter Circuit

| August 3, 2019 Updated
RGB Led Strip Microphone VU Meter Circuit

RGB VU meter circuit TL072 Op-amp based on the environment in the sound with a microphone and detects the volume according to the RGB LED strip in different colors of light gives the LED strip on the 15 LEDs There TL072 output the transistor power of increasing the longer LED strip can be connected either in parallel more lanes are connected.

RGB VU Meter circuit of the Appointments single channel that we are accustomed vu meter circuit such as, but led number, and most importantly müzük source according to the location very beautiful image could … the PCB drawing sprint layout program prepared by the source file exists.


source: cxem.net/sound/light/light55.php alternative link:

FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-21994.zip

Published: 2013/08/11 Tags: ,

2 Comments “RGB Led Strip Microphone VU Meter Circuit

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    Graphic LCD Image LCD Program For Your Projects

    Graphic LCD circuits will use photos in detail, edit. C or. BIN format recording can an advanced program them as well as the edited pictures in BMP, WBMP, SIGMATEL (robj) format can record .. program once the charge was, but producer following the 3.2 version free dealing (producer distributing free)

  2. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte

    RGB LED-Leiste, das Mikrofon-VU-Meter-Schaltung

    RGB-VU-meter Schaltung TL072 Op-amp basierend auf der Umgebung, in der Klang mit einem Mikrofon und erkennt die Lautstärke nach dem RGB-LED-Streifen in verschiedenen Farben von Licht gibt die LED-Streifen auf die 15 LEDs Da TL072 Ausgang der transistor-power-die Erhöhung der längere LED-Streifen angeschlossen werden kann entweder parallel mehrere Spuren miteinander verbunden sind.

    RGB-VU-Meter Schaltung, die Termine, single-channel, das sind wir gewöhnt vu-meter Schaltung wie, aber led-Anzahl, und vor allem müzük Quelle nach dem Standort sehr schönes Bild, könnte … die platine zeichnen von sprint-layout-Programm, erstellt durch die Quell-Datei vorhanden ist.


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