Tag: simple circuit projects

simple easy electronic circuits hobby applications student projects

From matchbox drawer for electronic materials

| 2010/08/02

Electronic materials, plastic drawers for components, but many of us are using plastic = oil / dollar relationship because their prices are too high drawer material. leon-instruments.blogspot.co on site “Leon” writes: less practical for at least a simple little material I have applied Yunti Resistance, potentiometer etc. for z description of matchboxes (117) placed in…

Simple Circuit Phototransistor with Relay Control

| 2010/08/01

Photo NPN transistor 2N2222 NPN transistor and a Display number of passive circuit elements according to the light with a simple circuit to control a 5 volt relay Phototransistor circuit diagram Source: j.mp/9RQyYf

12V Relay Coil Simple Shock Circuit

| 2010/08/01

12V Relay with a few changes made ​​over a simple electronic circuits, made ​​of shock. Shock NE555 integrated circuit used in addition to the 0.05 mm wire from the relay coil windings added 200 sip. High voltage low current during the test, but be careful and wear safety goggles fused electrical line Simple Electric Shock…

Regulated Buck-Boost DC DC Converter Circuit

| 2010/07/04

This circuit is an example of a simple Buck-boost converter circuit. By applying the input voltage from 3v to 15v outlet will receive a fixed value that you set. Determines the minimum output voltage of the zener 10v. You can set the output with 10k pot. You can use it to get a negative voltage…

Metal Detector Circuit PIC12F683 Microcontroller

| 2010/05/16

With the metal detector. metal detector circuit PIC12F683 PIC will be an example in making a simple application software prepared by the micro c complier. Metal coil is used as a sensor from 10uH coil 300uh ….. LED lights when metal is giving approximation. Metal Detectors circuit supply 5 volts DC Metal Detector Test Source:…

Electronic Door Bell Circuit (triple gong sound) with SAB0600

| 2010/05/11

In this article SAB0600 of SIEMENS produces integrated circuits made ​​with electronic gong will tell. SAB0600 integrated 8-pin, 3 times a gong sound that is integrated. Integrated circuits are created with few elements that connect the outside. 22K potentiometer to set the tone of the gong sounds. 8 ohm speakers for audio output of the…

Simple Remote Control Tester

| 2010/05/04

The following schema is a remote control for my circuit tester. The circuit is functioning with all kinds of IR remote controls. In one recurring eye catching, a buzzer, TK19 Receiver one led and one 1 Kohm resistance. The circuit works with 5V. Any remote control IR Led (infrared led), and placed in control of…

PIC12F675 RGB Led Drive Circuit

| 2010/04/21

We constantly work places which attracts lighting with RGB LEDs that are encountered in a variety of colors created by the transition to the visual feast that may be just a small sample of drivers I share with you are interested. The project is definitely not a product for the purpose of example only write…

Simple Circuits Book a 555 Timer Application

| 2010/03/16

Talking Electronics Sites previously shared the new book The 200 pieces prepared for transistor circuits I mentioned. Author of this type continues to free. Many of the circuits simple circuits 555 in the book is set up with very few elements oscillators, timing, LEDs, motor control and you have to practice a lot more 555…