Tag: microcontroller projects

Various projects with microcontroller MCU or integrals known as µC. Microcontrollers. PIC circuits, PIC projects, AVR circuits, AVR projects, ARM circuits, ARM projects, Arduino circuits, Arduino projects

PIC16F88 SN75176 CCS C EM4100 RF-ID Reader Project

| 2009/10/25

Hi friends I have done with you I share a RF-id application. Application for educational purposes only and is exemplary and is capable of being improved. If we are talking PIC16F88 application is used as a controller. Located in the market comfortable with PIC16F88 PIC16F628 16F628 not much difference in price than `is a handy…

USB UART Converter PIC16F88 Circuit Attiny2313

| 2009/10/24

Recently circuit on the web I’ve seen perform this southern been applying If we are talking application atmel’s famous ATtiny2313 achieves with USB UART converter further circuit 8bit I / O 128-byte EEPROM 32-byte FIFO buffer a lot as have the ability to detailed information AVR309 application note exists in the circuit did and it…

Digital Audio Control Circuit Nokia 3310 LCD Atmel ATmega8 TDA7439

| 2009/10/23

My old chassis while stirring an old stereo on the chassis tda7439 found it and integrate these with making an application decided and ultimately such a nice application appeared application If we are talking circuit tda7439 digital volume control operate in a supervisory ATMega8 LCD as in my hand 3310 lcd because 3310 LCDs to…

PIC16F877 Line following robots Project

| 2009/10/21

Line follower robots are still popular. Finally, someone did something different on the line follower robot and shared the source code and the project. The robot has a program written in CPP for the camera (webcam) part, the microcontroller used in the control circuit is pic16f877 software, all source codes prepared with PIC-C are protel…

Negative Delta-V Battery Charging Circuit LCD Display PIC16F876

| 2009/10/18

I designed a new system using 16F876 as the advanced version of my project, which was previously published as an automatic charging system. When I say system, I made changes in the program without making too many changes in the electronics part. My previous system was working with 16C711 (once programmable) pic. In addition, I…

PIC16F628 Nokia 3510I interface S1D15G14 Hi-tech C

| 2009/10/16

Nokia3510i (Epson S1D15G14) PIC16f628 interface written in Hi-tech C Epson S1D15G14 Nokia 3510 uses integrated graphics LCDs prepared for use in a circuit design software Hi-tech C and the prepared pic 16F628 microcontroller PIC16F628 S1D15G14 Source: sunbizhosting.com/~spiral/colorlcd/” PIC16F628 Nokia 3510I interface S1D15G14 Alternative link:

PIC16F84A Application with a Simple Melody Circuit

| 2009/10/16

The melody circuit is very simple, the controller 16f84 can be used in different series, and the music chart can be useful for creating different melodies. A good example for people new to PIC Programming. PIC and I took those instructions in a program for converting 16F84. From this and ‘born the following project that…

Digital Tone Control Circuit Atmel ATTINY2313 LM1036

| 2009/10/11

I had made a similar application recently, but it was a problem that the ds1844 IC could not be found in Turkey. While examining the avrs, when I saw that attiny2313 had 4 pwm channels, I immediately thought of this application. I tried on the board, the digital part of your question worked, finally I…

PIC16F84 RF Fish Detector Circuit

| 2009/10/07

Circuit second part consists of water released into the rf-makers and the information will appear RF-receiver circuit two circuit pic 16f84 micro-controller based on the pic “Reed Relay” use and relay operation rf to convey a sample project also modules source MPLAB files (asm, hex, etc.).’s top to bottom in pdf format PCB, circuit diagrams…

PIC18F452 Graphic LCD Menu CCS C stopwatch Project

| 2009/09/28

GLCD graphic LCD using PIC18F452 microcontroller on the picture menu, primarily to prepare the necessary photos we draw on our computer. I’ve used MS Paint for this process is already very professional does not need a drawing program will ultimately create a black-and-white photos. No writing required on BITMAP2LCD – Basic Edition software to add…