Tag: avr project

Atmel AVR circuits, Atmel AVR projects have been realized with microcontrollers of Atmel brand, amateur, professional applications, most of which are source codes.

Atmel application notes and source c asm code

| 2010/11/13

Atmel’s products and practices related to application notes prepared for the asm code source c c language prepared by the majority of the samples. 138’s application List: 1-Register and Bit-Name Definitions for the AVR Microcontrollers 2-Accessing the eeprom 3-Block Copy Routines 4-Setup and Use the Analog Comparator 5-Multiply and Divide Routines 6-16-bit Arithmetics 7-BCD Arithmetics…

ADC example ATmega8 Digital Volt Meter Ammeter AVR Project

| 2010/10/28

ATmega8 AVR V/A Metter circuit Atmel ATmega8 ADC samples performed by software with C language prepared using the ADC in ATMEGA8 `s vol 2 × 16 LCD display ampere meter circuit made​​. Project of the circuit diagram and source code have AVR Studio 4. Source: avrlab.com AVR Ammeter Volt Meter Project files Alternative link: FILE…

Programmed Door Alarm Circuit ATtiny24 ATtiny13 Controlled

| 2010/10/28

Receiver circuit microcontroller based on Atmel ATTINY13 SMD sheath used sensor TSOP1736 receiver Reed relays used for detection. There are two versions of the transmitter control circuit based on SMD attiny24 Door Alarm project source: radioded.ru All hex project, asm, bass have code files and schema drawings alternative link: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT…

AT89C2051 Digital Scales Circuit Atmel

| 2010/10/26

Digital scales circuit Atmel AT89C2051 microcontroller based on the weights used in the measurement sensor A620 DF2S-3 sensor output is amplified by an analog to digital converter integrated TLC549 is entered into. Project of the eagle print circuit diagram source code (asm, hex, bin) given. Source: http://paja-trb.unas.cz/elektronika/konstrukce/vaha.html Digital Scales project Alternative link: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK…

ATmega128 AVR Graphic LCD Application Siemens S65 LS020

| 2010/10/06

Siemens s65 using the Atmel ATmega128 caption to display graphics on the LCD all the resources an application prepared S65 LCD driver library, sample text and detailed graphics shared C code. S65 application is more complex graphic LCD (given schematic diagram) is connected to the microcontroller ATmega128 directly behind the LCD not LCD 2.9-volt power…

Atmega16 Touchscreen Project TFT App AVR GCC ILI9325

| 2010/10/06

Touch TFT application based on ATMega16 processor used in the 16 MHz frequency drives and ILI9325 OTM3225, source C code (AVR GCC)’s. 2.4-inch TFT LCD, point-screen work notes Alternative link: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-12028.zip

TFT LCD Digital Photo Frame ATmega128 SD Card TSC2046

| 2010/10/06

Digital Photo Frame TFT ATmega128 TFT source C code of practice are used to SPFD5408 TFT LCD 3.2 inch 320 × 240 size images displayed in the SD card. Source: ourdev.cn/ Digital Photo Frame project Alternative link: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-12025.zip

TFT LCD OV7660 Atmel ATmega32 Application Example ili9325 Driver

| 2010/09/27

Emerging technologies on the market with LCD prices quite fell microcontrollers with applications proliferate mobile phone, mp4 and graphic LCDs became available, especially Atmel series with enhanced graphics LCDs can be used ATmega32 320 × 240 TFT LCD application library files (ILI9325.H, ILI9325.C, font. h) includes the C source code and circuit diagram. In addition,…

Atmel Atmega8 Nokia6100 LCD PCF-8833 Application

| 2010/09/27

Nokia 3310 screen already had several applications with bi-color LCD at this time I decided to experiment with it. Heavily on the market, the Nokia 6100 LCDs and their controllers for microchip using Atmel ATmega8 given codes can edit and work with Winavi made ​​to optimize and tried with ATmega8 code works just fine. 220Ω,…

Tank Robot ATMEGA48 Bluetooth java Project

| 2010/09/26

Atmel ATMEGA48 made ​​with an advanced robot. Control program bluetooth control, and have the java program the robot tank in the engine control L293 bridge driver is provided with source code included hunting eagle printed circuit prepared with the schema files.. ATMEGA48 Robot Bluetooth Project Source : goo.gl/O3gL Bluetooth Robot Project Alternative link: FILE DOWNLOAD…