CCS C Applications Proteus Simlations

| August 4, 2019 Updated
CCS C Applications Proteus Simlations

Previously shared CCS C sample application circuit code archive (C and Hex Isis) is a large archive with all source codes and proteus simulation circuits such as CCS C projects shared in the font.

In a majority of CCS C projects, pic16f876 and pic16f877 microcontrollers are used. In projects with USB communication, pic18f4520 pic18F4550 is used.

CCS C project list

T3.E1: Turn on a LED with a switch.

T3.E2: Decimal counter from 0 to 99 with 7 segments.

T3.E3: To control a menu on the LCD with two push buttons.

T3.E4: Displaying the status of a port entry via a graphical display

T3.E5: Displaying data of 3×4 matrix keyboard on LCD.

T3.E6: Access control with keyboard.

T3.E7: Control the speed of a DC motor with the keyboard.

T4.E1: Opening and closing the Led with external cut.

T4.E2: 1 KHz signal generation via TMR0.

T4.E3: 1 second delay generation via TMR1.

T4.E4. Measuring pulse width using TMR1 and external cut.

T4.E5: Generating a 1 KHz signal via TMR2.

T4.E6: Control the speed of a DC motor with the keyboard. Using TMR1. Digital tachometer

T4.E7: Multi-function with one key.

T5.E1: Reading a voltage from channel AN0.

T5.E2: Thermometer with NTC.

T5.E3: NTC and pressure sensor barometer / Altimeter.

T5.E4: Acquisition of negative tensions.

T6.E1: Measurement of a pulse width using the CCP module.

T6.E2: Generating a 2 KHz signal via the CCP module.

T6.E3: Conversion of AD to CCP module. Producing a PWM signal proportional to the measured signal.

T6.E4. Basic oscilloscope with CCP module and graphical display.

T6.E5: PID control of oven temperature.

T6.E6: Problems in the PWM simulation of the CCP module.

T7.E1: PIC serial communication

T7.E2: Serial communication from PIC to PC.

T7.E3: PC communication to the PIC (two-way).

T7.E4. An I2C series EEPROM write / read.

T7.E5: Reading the I2C temperature sensor, an I2C real-time clock for storage of your data in the I2C series EEPROM. Read EEPROM data via serial port.

T8.E1: Real-time clock with PIC18F4520.

T8.E2: Self-regulating voltage amplifier with PIC18F4520.

T9.E1: PID control of an oven temperature with RTOS. More visualization control. Check more screens and programming with the PIC18F4520.

T10.E1: CDC USB.

T10.E2: CDC USB.

Sample Proteus Circuit Diagrams






Published: 2018/06/09 Tags: , , , , ,

4 Comments “CCS C Applications Proteus Simlations

  1. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte

    CCS C Anwendungen Proteus Simulationen

    Das zuvor gemeinsam genutzte CCS C-Anwendungscode-Archiv (C und Hex Isis) ist ein großes Archiv mit allen Quellcodes und Proteus-Simulationsschaltungen wie CCS C-Projekten, die in der Schriftart verwendet werden.

    In den meisten CCS-C-Projekten kommen die Mikrocontroller pic16f876 und pic16f877 zum Einsatz. In Projekten mit USB-Kommunikation wird pic18f4520 pic18F4550 verwendet.

  2. projets de circuits electroniquesprojets de circuits electroniques

    Les archives de code de circuit d’application CCS C précédemment partagées (C et Hex Isis) sont une grande archive avec tous les codes source et les circuits de simulation de proteus tels que les projets CCS C partagés dans la police.

    Dans la majorité des projets CCS C, les microcontrôleurs pic16f876 et pic16f877 sont utilisés. Dans les projets avec communication USB, pic18f4520 pic18F4550 est utilisé.


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