Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

12V 40A Switch Mode Power Supply LLC Resonant Converter

| 2016/06/07

NCP5106A NCP1396A Detailed study the principles of operation of the serial, parallel and serial-parallel resonant LLC Converter. Think about the possible organization of multiphase serial-parallel Converter LLC SMPS . WITH using math and simulation tools compare the current design of the individual Power devices, single-phase and multiphase versions of the inverter. Carry out a theoretical…

TL494 Class D Amplifier SMPS 390W 32V

| 2016/06/07

TL494 Audio amplifier switch mode power supply smps . TAS5611A Class D Amplifier Circuit Project The performance of the power unit should be about 400 Watts smps. The power source may be elected by the classic or switched. Because of the size and weight of the transformer of the classical sources is elected a switching…

TAS5611A Class D Amplifier Circuit Project

| 2016/06/06

The block diagram of the integrated circuit TAS5611A As mentioned above, the circuit contains 4 identical channels. The input signal is fed to pin INPUT_X. Signal continues into the feedback filter ANALOG LOOP FILTER and further to the input multiplexer the ANALOG INPUT MUX. In the block ANALOG COMPARATOR MUX occurs to compare the input…

Audio Input Selector Circuit

| 2016/06/06

The main parts of the switch inputs is the decimal counter CD4017. Resistors R5 and R6 serves to limit the input current to the counters and, together with capacitor C1 form the RC divider. His task is to prevent multiple switch, when pressing a button, the influence of mechanical oscillations of the contacts of the…

TDA7490 Class-D Amplifier Project

| 2016/06/06

The output stage of the TDA7490 amplifier in class D The core of the end stage class d circuit is TDA7490 from the company STMicroelectronics. The way in which this amplifier works, was discussed above. Here will be dismantled just a function nejdůleţitějších components. On pin 8 generates a modulation signal, or it is possible…

TDA1524 Preamp Tone Control Circuit

| 2016/06/06

Preamp circuit is TDA1524 from the company Philips. His involvement This circuit can with a minimum of external components to change the volume, balance, treble and bass. Its advantage is that all settings adjustment is performed by changing the voltage on the corresponding pins of the circuit and that for both channels at the same…

TOP261 Amplifier Power Supply Class D Smps

| 2016/06/06

TOP261 switch mode power supply smps circuit previous post TDA8920 Class-D Amplifier Circuit power supply The smps power supply of the amplifier, as is indicated must have a few output voltages. This source must be powerful enough to be able to cover the power demands of the terminal degree. The source can be realized as…

TDA8920 Class-D Amplifier Circuit

| 2016/06/05

TDA8920 Class-D circuit is to use two circuits TDA8920 in bridge mode connection (BTL). Circuit TDA8920 works with the internal oscillator, whose frequency can be set using the the external elements. The manufacturer recommends that, in the application of multiple circuits in a single device to use for synchronization of circuits external oscillator. Circuit TDA8920…

MAX5406 Audio Processor Preamplifier Projects

| 2016/06/05

MAX5406 The proposed preamplifier is imposing several requirements. The preamp must allow volume control and balance (distribution of volume between channels), then it must allow the correction of the frequency characteristics. These requirements are satisfied by a number of integrated circuits intended for realization of the lna. These circuits, in all cases using to control…

TDA7293 Guitar Combo Amplifier Projects

| 2016/06/05

The design and construction of combos for electric guitar. Work discusses how theories of construction and design blocks combos, so its structure and measuring its parameters and parameters of individual blocks. Bachelor thesis has the aim to get acquainted with the problems of the design of individual parts of the combos, which are the preamp…