Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Laboratory Power Supply 0-50V 0-4A

| 2018/06/10

Laboratory Type 0-50V 0-4A Adjustable power supply circuit A classic design based on the TL081 opamp .. I think I may have misread the scheme in the electrical or electronic circuit books .. Laboratory Power Supply Transformer used in the power supply circuit with 4 BD249 transistors on the output stage. Single output can be…

Li-Po Li-ion Battery Charge MCP73831 TP4056 Circuits

| 2018/06/10

During the past year, I replaced a lot of batteries at home with a lot of batteries and replaced them with Li-ion batteries. Lantern radios, Led lantern, Hand broom etc … One of the radio lanterns was a 6v battery and the other one was a 1.5v pen pile. One of the two Li-ion batteries…

Car Amplifier Circuit TIP142 TIP147 200W DC DC TL494 EI33

| 2018/06/10

Previously shared RMS 250W auto amplifier JBL filter SMPS EI35 SG3525 project is similar to the PCB design is a very regular auto amplifier circuit. You can use 2x100w rms stereo or 200w rms mono, which can be controlled by bridge connection as well as bass control with cross over circuit with adjustable TL072P op…

4 Player Pong Game PIC18f4550

| 2018/06/10

The PIC18f4550 microprocessor based pong game PIC18f4550 The first player to reach 20 points in the Pong Game wins the fireworks animation with leds. The PIC18f4550 works at 8MHz, the display is made up of 900 LEDs arranged in 30×30 size matrise, and besides table preparation, the most demanding part will be 900 strings and…

DIY Wood Burning Machine PWM Heating

| 2018/06/10

Professional Wood Burning Machines you can make a cheap handy Wood Burning Machine when you look stylish. You can use AT, ATX power supply or high power transformer for this. In the Wood Burning Pen the wire resistance used must be high in chrome nickel resistance. Direct power voltage control, a dimmer circuit is required…

Balance Robot Arduino Uno

| 2018/06/10

Previously shared “ Analog Balance Robot “project using Arduino Uno . Motor drive SparkFun Ardumoto this module is based on the L298 motor drive integration SMD materials are used because the size of the padded small motors pull the current is not high enough power in the market have similar modules. 2 small gearmotors are…

Led Matrix Studio Arduino, Microchip

| 2018/06/10

Microcontroller LED Matrix Studio is an application designed for electronic enthusiasts who want to accelerate the development of LED and matrix projects. Many different export options support animations and different matrix sizes. It can be used to design fonts, graphics and animations for PICAXE, PIC, Arduino, Parallax and other electronic or micro controller projects. An…

Printer Ink Cartridge Resetter Programs

| 2018/06/10

Pronter service tools programs Ink Cartridge Resetter.. In addition to the PIC12F629 share, the Epson Cartridge Chip Resets for Epson Printers and the Epson Cartridge Chip Resets is an archive of rescue programs in Epson, Canon printers. In addition, the printer EEPROM file can be saved in some cases. Cartridge reset programs work directly in…

Speaker Parallel Serial Connection Calculator

| 2018/06/10

Sometimes in home audio systems or auto audio systems, the speakers need to be connected in parallel, sometimes this type of connection is necessary. Prepared with Excel Speaker serial, parallel connection calculation tool Anfi power loudspeaker omaj, total connection according to the connection shape, consuming power shows. 2, 3, 4 serial, parallel speaker connection and…

RC Tone Control Circuit Calculator

| 2018/06/10

Simple Passive RC Tone Control Circuits and Simple Tone Control Circuitry bass treble rc filter sharing circuits in the source program I have just recently realized that I have been archived in the past .. Fender, Vox, Marshall, James, E series, Bench, Big Muff, Hiwatt The passive tone control circuits can see the operating frequencies,…