Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Protected Milliohmmeter Capacitor ESR Meter

| 2022/02/27

ESR meter is a device used to measure the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of capacitors. Built on the PIC16F690 microcontroller, the previous version uses PIC16F873A) The ESR meter circuit is very small in size and its features are very good. In the ESR Meter Milliohmmeter project, the PIC16F690 program was written in MikroC. Proteus drawing,…

PIC12F675 Police Siren Circuit Real Sound

| 2022/02/27

Siren circuit is built on the PIC12F675 microcontroller, and the outputs of the PIC12F675 are powered by a 6-transistor bridge amplifier. Considering that the resistance of the siren is 2 Ohms, the output power is about 25W. According to the author’s explanation, since the transistors in the Bridge work in switch mode, they do not…

Dark and Motion Activated LED Lamp HC-SR501 LDR Triac Relay Mosfet

| 2022/02/27

I will give information about how the HC-SR501 PIR motion sensor module works, HC-SR501 Features and its use with LDR. The HC-SR501 PIR sensor module can be used not only for security, but also for most automatically activated lighting systems, industrial automation, control areas. A few months ago, I used one of the batteries that…

Eeprom Copier Circuit

| 2022/02/22

Eeprom Copier Project with LCD display, made with PIC16F648A microcontroller, provides rapid copying of serial EEPROM memories of series 24 (with I2C protocol) without a computer. The eeprom copier can detect the type and capacity of the memory. The eeproms supported by the eeprom copy circuit; 24C00 24C01 24C02 24C04 24C08 24C16 24C32 24C64 24C128…

Effect Led Stars PCB

| 2021/09/30

ATtiny13 Led Stars There are source PCB drawings, Source and hex code files, Proteus simulation files. Added transistors to increase the number of LEDs. There are three printing options in the files. According to the scheme: instead of LEDs through a 1kOhm resistor to the base of the NPN BC547 transistor, then the LEDs are…

High Quality Amplifier Circuit LM3886

| 2021/09/30

The dimensions of the PCB board are 80×80 mm. Each board is equipped with its own protection device that disconnects the load in emergency situation (appearance of constant voltage at the output or breakage of any of secondary windings of the power transformer), as well as performing the necessary load connection delay when power is…

LM3915 80 LED Audio Spectrum Analyzer Circuit

| 2021/09/30

LM3915 The connection stands and falls with analog amplification and filtering of audio signals using operational amplifiers. The audio signal is first amplified and impedance separated by connection with the operational amplifier IC9 TL071. Negative feedback (and thus signal amplification) is affected by the TR1 680k trimmer. You can calculate how many times IC9 will…

Laboratory Power Supply 30V 10A (Adjustable)

| 2021/09/30

Actually, I implemented the power supply circuit with limited possibilities, but it is sufficient for me, the first tests were done successfully. Since I have a toroidal transformer with an estimated voltage of 250W…300W 2X15VAC, I did the tests with it, and the normal sheet transformer can also have a usable power of at least…

CarProg Clone Programmer Schematic Firmware

| 2021/09/20

First and foremost of all is to change if the problem continues, 74HC125D to 74HCT125M in your carparog. I attach 2 versions, the first one worked for me, the second one we haven’t used. The Instructions necessary to be able to program it and the Schematic Diagram in PDF are attached. Solder pin # 55…

Animated Heart Circuit RGB Led

| 2021/09/20

The RGB Led version of the Led Heart Circuit Music Box I shared earlier, the RGB LED version of the RGB Led Effect circuit, the PIC12F629 RGB mood light section in the previous circuit was used. There are many working modes in the parallel circuit with 20 5mm RGB LEDs, you can memorize the mode…