Power supply circuits, SMPS Power supplies Switched DC DC Power supplies Inverter circuits Battery Battery Charging Circuits. Power electronics circuits, projects.
Voltage-Current converter circuit AD694JN integrated circuit based on the circuit, fed through the 7815 regulator input voltage can be 18-35 VDC. The minimum value of the power supply for 0-10V is 12.5V. The “4mA” value in the uncalibrated model was 4.18mA. The values given in the diagram are taken from the catalog note, 2k potentiometers…
The circuit consists of the following units: a rectifier with a filter, a +12V voltage stabilizer, voltage stabilization, current stabilization, indication, a control unit and overheating protection. If the output voltage can reach 50V, and not limited to the supply voltage of the op-amp (32 V), as in the vast majority of LBP circuits. The…
1200W 60V SMPS Power supply UC3844 Classic topologies of blocking converters are usually considered suitable only for small ones performance, on the order of about 100-200 W. Their main advantage for low-power applications is simplicity and large input voltage range. At the output of the transformer only the rectifier diode and the output capacitor are…
The ATX power supply tester I made years ago, there was no such tester in our market at that time. Purchased power supplies were generally tested by short-circuiting the green and black cable, the fan turned, the output voltages were sufficient if they were normal, but when they were plugged into the motherboard, malfunctions occurred…
Simple SMPS Circuit Self-Oscillating ATX Transformer There were shares to run the rechargeable drill without a battery IR2153 SMPS, Battery, Transformer.. The batteries of the drill I used were also faulty, the price of the battery pack was quite high, by connecting a 12v 7ah battery, I used the drill for a long time, but…
The 10W LED Driver driver circuit is designed to operate a 10 watt LED matrix (3×3, 10-12V) with current limitation. It works in the Step-Down system. The ring core used for the 500uh coil is approximately 80 turns of winding with 0.55 mm diameter wire taken from the filter located on the output stage of…
2X84V 2X35V 14V 220W 300W 1000W SMPS circuits based on the SG3525 PWM control IC have been designed with a 14v output of the 300W output, and the SG3525 current limiting circuit is also shared for battery charging. The design of the circuits is tidy in the simple PCB drawings, but the PC40 toroidal ferrite…
Transistor 2X100W stereo and mono bass amp circuits by converting 12V battery voltage (between 11v…14.4v) SG3525 DC DC voltage amplifier circuit to around 2X30…35V. There is protection against short-circuiting in both circuits and short-circuiting of the transistors at the amplifier output and giving DC voltage. The 120W subwoofer amplifier has an adjustable bass filter circuit…
Power LED driver Circuits made with TL494 pwm IC and MC34063 DC DC voltage converter ICs for LED Lighting. Actually there are a few more but I don’t mention them as there is no transformer information (files exist) First of all, I was interested in the LED driver circuit made with TL494 because it uses…
The inverter is fed from a single phase with 230V alternating voltage with a power of about 400W. The output gives a 3-phase voltage of 3x230V. Inverter diagram, dsPIC33FJ32MC102 software, Kicad PCB design are attached. Main control IC FNA41560. There is a PFC power factor correction circuit at the inverter input, which ensures that the…