Tag: microcontroller projects

Various projects with microcontroller MCU or integrals known as µC. Microcontrollers. PIC circuits, PIC projects, AVR circuits, AVR projects, ARM circuits, ARM projects, Arduino circuits, Arduino projects

Automatic Water Discharge Electrovalve Control PIC12F675 Automation

| 2023/05/04

Automation project using PIC12F675 Microcontroller automatically discharges water with Electrovalve. Infrared light reflection method is used to detect the presence of a person or object. It can be used in automatic urinal flushing or different automation control projects, scenarios. It is important to isolate the infrared receiver and infrared transmitter led from each other. The…

Knock Combination Lock

| 2023/04/07

It is a very interesting circuit compared to the combination lock circuits shared before. The heart of the circuit is the button, keypad, etc. for PIC12F675 microcontroller password entry. not used. The system works according to the impacts that occur with the impact. The piezo buzzer converts the magnetic vibrations generated by the beats into…

PT2314 Arduino Spectrum Analyzer LCD , Encoder, Remote Control

| 2022/11/17

The PT2314 is a sound processor with a 4-channel stereo input selector, adjustable gain, volume control, frequency loudness compensation and tone control. I implemented the Arduino nano PT2314 project, it works pretty well. 2X20 LCD (LCD2004) is used for the display. 2 buttons are used for input selection mute, standby mode. Menu transitions and other…

SPI Flash Memory Audio File Write and Playback PIC16F628A 25Q32

| 2022/11/17

Flash IC is an audio file playback circuit prepared for high-capacity spi flash memory ICs, known as Bios ICs. The controller of the system is the PIC16F628 microcontroller, the spi flash integrated 25Q64 used for memory was removed from an old computer motherboard. I made the circuit application with 25Q32BV, I removed these integrated from…

PT2322 PT2323 Arduino 5.1 Digital Audio Control Circuit

| 2022/10/27

5.1 Control board project for sound system. Remote control, LCD, Encoder. I have almost no application with Arduino, I always tried to use Arduino alternatives and somehow found circuit solutions. But audio applications always intrigue me. I applied the digital volume control Arduino project made with Arduino Nano PT2323 and PT2322 audio control ICs, the…

5 Channel RF Remote Control Relay Switch 12V

| 2022/10/27

5 Channel RF relay control circuit 433mhz RF module set based on PIC12F675 microcontroller IC can be used (I used 434mhz module set, no problem) Depending on the RF module quality and the antenna used, it can remotely control the relay between long distances and can be used for turning on and off various devices…

Electronic Combination Lock Circuit

| 2022/10/07

Electronic combination lock circuit or Combination door automatic LCD, LED Display etc. It is simpler and easier to implement than systems with indicators. User password can be changed with administrator password. The heart of the combination lock circuit is the PIC12F675 microcontroller. For password entry, button or old telephone keypad is used, but I designed…

Open Door Warning Circuit With Talk + .Wav Hex Converter

| 2022/10/07

The speech module made with PIC12F675 24C512 Eeprom and LM386 integrated used to strengthen the voice signal, the voice warning circuit is set up with very little passive material. Warning, security, etc. can be used in projects. Its most common use is an electronic voice alert system to remember the “open door” or any action.…

Amplifier control ATmega328p STM32F103, STM32F303, ATmega32

| 2022/10/07

STM32F103, STM32F303, ATmega32, ATmega328p Amplifier control project is a control module for your audio amplifier. It supports various I²C/SPI controlled sound processors and FM tuners. All source codes and PCB drawings have been shared. It also has an LCD spectrum analyzer. TDAXXXX is a great source for PTXXXX digital audio control ICs. Library, code files…

PIC18F4620 Combination Lock for Apartment 100 Users

| 2022/10/07

The combination lock circuit displays the information and settings entered from the keypad built on the PIC18F4620 microcontroller on the LCD screen. All user password information settings are kept in the memory of the PIC18F4620 keypad is connected to the microcontroller via the 74C922 IC. Circuit description; An apartment lock system where the administrator can…