Tag: led projects

simple led projects easy led projects electronic led circuits hobby led projects led applications student led projects

Animated LED Advertising Signs Circuit

| 2010/02/18

Hello friends with you in this article are made using basic and simple method JAL language written with the animation project I offer LED advertising. Nowadays, the increasing human needs require more advertising and more attention to the low cost of advertising signs withdrawal is requested. Complete at this point is that LED technology to…

PIC16F84 LED Show Circuit Proton ide Example

| 2010/02/16

The circuit can be controlled 8 led 4 mode with pic16f84 effect can be gradual or key with choice in commutator welding proton codes and proteus isis simulation file LED Show Circuit Schematic LED Show Proton ide code and schematic:

Power LED Driver Circuit LED Current Sources Atmega8 PWM

| 2009/12/26

Power LED driver circuit based on Atmel ATmega8 is working with 12 volt 3 ​​1 watt Luxeon power LEDs with PWM buck converter is operated ATmega-8 a good example source code to solve logic diagram drawing have PCBs. Power LED Driver PWM LUTW stands for Light Up The World which is an organisation which aims…

HDD Clock Circuit Atmel ATmega128 DS1307 TDA5410 Motor Driver

| 2009/11/21

Earlier, I mentioned a few applications to evaluate broken hard disks under the title of “Assess a Bad HDD”, I used it with sandpaper, there were clock projects on the web, now there are hard disk clocks in the shared project, but it is very professional and all resources are shared. Other active integrated circuits…

LEDs Effects Circuits PIC16F628 PIC16F877

| 2009/11/17

There are 3 units LEDs circuit PIC16F877 effects with 33 LEDs and 27 LEDs in one circuit with pic 16F628 pic isis was tested by applying the output from the 330 ohm resistor .470 forget to connect. In addition, LEDs can be driven further strengthened with transistor output LED circuit PIC16F877 33LEDs effects LED circuit…

10×10 LED Blinking 555 Flip Flop Circuit

| 2009/09/20

A simple led animation (flip flop) circuit with NE555 Timer IC. You can adjust the flashing speed and brightness of the LEDs with the tirimpots on the circuit. There is a pcb drawing of the circuit. You can arrange the leds according to the shape you want. The supply voltage of the circuit should be…

PICmicro LED tachometer Circuit

| 2009/09/10

Handmade pretty stylish LED display digital speedometer tacho meters. Source or assembly code pic16f874 PIC16F877 can be done with the circuit and wiring diagrams directly from the preparation given the 33-hole leds pcb layout on a plaque made analog instrument into a digital tachometer with analog bargraph LEDs. The meter can measure and display a…

12V AC-DC Converter MC34063 Driving 350mA LED 12V Source

| 2009/08/26

MC34063 switching regulator integrated circuit on the circuit board 350 the ideal drive for the LumiLed working voltage 12v dc 4 Piece application circuit’s single lumi lumi LED and LED driver circuits with three series-connected sources have robust (ON Semiconductor). schematic for driving one 350 ma LED from a 12V DC source. The MC34063 is…

Computer-Controlled Programmable RGB LED Driver PIC16F628 PWM

| 2009/07/19

An interesting project computer-aided olmasıda a very good feature. Supervision can be said that the RGB PWM circuit PIC16F628 dali assembly prepared with software installed on the RGB data while sending the program’s visual basic code through a source-based communication used in section MAX232 RS232 serial port data is sent from the pic PIC16F628 We…