Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Led Matrix Studio Arduino, Microchip

| 2018/06/10

Microcontroller LED Matrix Studio is an application designed for electronic enthusiasts who want to accelerate the development of LED and matrix projects. Many different export options support animations and different matrix sizes. It can be used to design fonts, graphics and animations for PICAXE, PIC, Arduino, Parallax and other electronic or micro controller projects. An…

Printer Ink Cartridge Resetter Programs

| 2018/06/10

Pronter service tools programs Ink Cartridge Resetter.. In addition to the PIC12F629 share, the Epson Cartridge Chip Resets for Epson Printers and the Epson Cartridge Chip Resets is an archive of rescue programs in Epson, Canon printers. In addition, the printer EEPROM file can be saved in some cases. Cartridge reset programs work directly in…

Speaker Parallel Serial Connection Calculator

| 2018/06/10

Sometimes in home audio systems or auto audio systems, the speakers need to be connected in parallel, sometimes this type of connection is necessary. Prepared with Excel Speaker serial, parallel connection calculation tool Anfi power loudspeaker omaj, total connection according to the connection shape, consuming power shows. 2, 3, 4 serial, parallel speaker connection and…

RC Tone Control Circuit Calculator

| 2018/06/10

Simple Passive RC Tone Control Circuits and Simple Tone Control Circuitry bass treble rc filter sharing circuits in the source program I have just recently realized that I have been archived in the past .. Fender, Vox, Marshall, James, E series, Bench, Big Muff, Hiwatt The passive tone control circuits can see the operating frequencies,…

Laser Sound Transmission Circuit

| 2018/06/10

Laser Communication Circuit We can provide wireless audio communication with the laser communication circuit described below. In fact, if a parabolic reflector is used, this distance can easily be a few kilometers, and even at this distance the sound transmission will be very clear. Lazy receiver and transmitter circuits. At 5 miliWat power, we used…

Amplifier Protection and Power Supply Circuits

| 2018/06/10

The powerful power supply circuits you can use in various power circuits, such as an amphibious, preamplified, etc. circuits, are available in low power designs as well as high power ones. Mile Slavkovic APEX series, which is made entirely of PCB designs with protection circuits in general, is doing fine projects by simplifying professional designs.…

600W DC DC Buck Converter Circuit 60V Input to 12V 50A

| 2018/06/10

The input voltage of the 600W DC DC Buck Converter circuit is 35V … 60V DC. output 12V 50A LM5116 for control of the DC DC Buck Converter is capable of use Adjustable operating frequency from 50kHz to 1 MHz available Current limit, soft start etc. it has a lot of features. The output power…

Automatic Feeding Machine With CD-ROM Mechanic

| 2018/06/10

For the author, the automatic feeding machine for the wedge is the easiest mechanical part for the application. they insert a plastic container all of which is placed on the CD present on the CD-ROM and put the ready-made cat here. Attiny13 Automatic feeding circuit A simple driver circuit is used for engine control based…

Balancing Li-ion Li-Polymer Batteries Battery Balancing Circuit

| 2018/06/09

Many projects are usually carried out with a single battery. serial battery connection is required for higher voltages if the charger does not have balancing, deterioration occurs according to the capacity of the batteries, the batteries that are loaded early are overloaded and deteriorated, and this problematic battery, the charging circuit for charging the batteries…

Amplifier Circuits 800W 400W

| 2018/06/09

The edited versions of the Holy Holton AVXXX series amplifier circuits are of high quality PCB designs. The power transistors of the 400W Amplifier circuit are BJT 2SC5200, 2SA1943, or Mosfet IRFP240, IRFP9240 can be used for this and will change materials for use. Supply voltage symmetrical + -80V DC pcb, schematic, material list etc.…