ADC0831 8051 LM35 Temperature Control with LCD Screen

| July 19, 2023 Updated
ADC0831  8051 LM35 Temperature Control with LCD Screen

An example detailed project for using lm35 temperature sensor and adc 0831 converter with 8051. Prepared by: Özer Deniz Prepared by thanks to those who contributed. Purpose: Converting the analog information handled by the LM 35 temperature sensor to digital with ADC 0831, expressing this information as temperature and displaying it on the LCD.

Summary: In our program; The 8-bit temperature information from the ADC is continuously scanned and converted to ASCII code and displayed on the LCD. Any temperature control in the environment changes the voltage at the LM35 temperature sensor output and this changes the digital information on the ADC output.

Method: Since the ADC0831 is an Analog-Digital converter with serial output, 8 clock pulses were generated and sent to the ADC in order to receive 8-bit data. After each clock pulse, the information received from the serial output of the ADC is given to the lowest bit of the accumulator and the accumulator is shifted to the left.

Thus, at the end of an 8-clock cycle, the desired digital information is saved in the accumulator. After every 8 clock cycles, the ADC should be powered off and ready to receive a new 8-bit data. For this, the CS’ end of the ADC is in the loop.
“low” at the beginning and “high” at the end of the loop.

The received 8-bit data is stored in the acc. Each digit of this received value is displayed on the LCD. For this, acc is 100 divided by 100 digits, the remaining value is then divided by 10, the obtained value is 10’s digit, and the last remaining value is the ones digit. In order to show these values on the LCD, they are sent to the LCD in order, starting from the hundreds digit. During this sending we have to send the ASCII value of each value.

For this, before sending, each value is summed with decimal 48 and sent. 48 decimal value corresponds to 0, for example, when we send 48 + 5 = 53, we will see 5 on the LCD.

8051 Temperature Control


Methods: ADC0831 series 8-bit output, which is an analog-digital converter to receive data sent to the ADC has produced eight clock pulses. After each clock pulse information received from the serial output of the ADC batteries and accumulators given to the low-valent a bit shifted to the left.

Thus, at the end of a loop 8 clock’luk desired digital information is stored in the accumulator. ADC must be switched off after every 8 clock’luk cycle and should be ready to receive a new 8-bit data. For this, the ADC’s CS ‘end of cycle beginning “low”, at the end of the cycle “high” was made.

ADC0831 8051 LM35 Temperature Control with LCD Screen schematic proteus isis source code files

ADC0831 8051 LM35 Temperature Control with LCD Screen


Published: 2009/05/13 Tags: ,

1 Comment “ADC0831 8051 LM35 Temperature Control with LCD Screen

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    PIC16F877 LCD Digital Thermometer Circuit DS18B20

    PIC16F877 microcontroller and a digital thermometer DS18B20 temperature sensor with LCD display has all the details of the construction of software in C language (mikroC in microelectronics) can be prepared samples for temperature sensing projects can get enlightened.

    In this study using electronic circuits and micro-controller is intended to design a thermo meters. In the study, varying depending on the sensed temperature and perceived temperature by burning LEDs showing digital device working principle is based LCDs. In this method, the body temperature is examined.

    37C is a normal human body temperature generally increases the temperature at the onset of many diseases in some diseases is the body temperature drops. Therefore for the understanding of diseases called body temperature measuring devices are designed and thermometer.


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