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The amplifier module is based on the TPA2005 chip with a bridged TPA2005 power amplifier capable of delivering up to 8V of almost 1.4W at 5V. Thanks to the small operating voltage (2.5V), it was possible to power the typical Lipo 14500 without additional boosters . The audio signal from the IN jack is fed…
RF Remote ATtiny24 An uncomplicated radio system that enables remote switching of two power consumers whose power requirements do not exceed 250 VAC 5A The range of operation without additional antenna is about 30 m. The relays can operate in bistable or pulse mode, To control the drive of the entrance gate or the garage…
USB programmer There are few components – the ATtiny45 microcontroller, two Zener diodes, a capacitor and several resistors. Of course, there are still connectors – USB plug and IDC-6 plug. Resistor R1 informs host about presence of USB device transmitting data in Slow mode. The resistors R2 and R3 in combination with D1 and D2…
ATtiny25 Programmable Timer To describe the operation of the device, we will use an example – control of the electromagnetic bolt mounted in the wicket. In the simplest version we require that the push button attaches the bolt electromagnet for a certain length of time, sufficient to reach the gate. Then, the solenoid should be…
LiPo batteries are increasingly becoming a primary source of power, replacing other chemical sources of energy. The upgraded device, powered by a USB port or a mobile phone charger, allows you to charge medium capacity LiPo cells with critical operating life and operational safety. Compared to the previous one, it offers higher current charging (up…
The presented layout is a snap on a computer for measuring DHT22 temperature and humidity. It measures the temperature from -40 to 80 ° C with a resolution of 0.1 ° C and accuracy of 0.2 ° C and humidity from 0 to 100% with a resolution of 0.1% and accuracy of 2%. The device…
AD8532 Small, high-quality headphone amplifier that works with 32? … 100? low impedance headphones. Ideal as an audio supplement. Headphone amplifier with low-noise, low-voltage AD8532 operational amplifier up to 250 mA. Low-noise power supply with ADP7104 regulator. AD8532 headphone amplifier circuit schematic the power supply input signal from the IN jack is fed to a…
Brushless asynchronous motors, with compact rotor windings, called short cages, are used to drive different fans. Their advantages are durability and simple construction. The presented layout uses a certain characteristic of such a fan to regulate its rotational speed. The operation is based on a group control method – the motor is powered by a…
It’s quite strange that so many projects are being done with some 555 circuits. “Domino’s” 555 timer 555 circuit is an interesting electronic circuit with a chip that is prepared based on the different LEDs and photodiodes made a lot from each other they trigger it’s a domino effect, the author is also the project…
In SPDT spdt relays (Single Pole Double Throw SPDT Relay) are very useful in some applications due to its internal configuration. It has one common terminal and 2 contacts in 2 different versions can be normally closed and the other opened, or it may be normally open and the other closed. So basically you can…