20W Stereo Amplifier With TDA2003 Tone Control

| August 4, 2019 Updated
20W Stereo Amplifier With TDA2003 Tone Control

Many times we have been asked about an amplifier that can be powered with the computer source to amplify this. We have also seen the need for an amplifier that can be transportable everywhere and that provides an acceptable power service. Thinking about filling these expectations, we present a 20W stereo amplifier (10W per channel) with 3-way tone control, included in the same printed circuit.

This amplifier uses the integrated circuit TDA2003 that has the same configuration and distribution of the pins of the TDA2002. The interesting thing about this integrated is that it uses very few external components, its assembly is very simple, low cost and uses little space. The TDA2003 provides an output current of up to 3.5 A, very low harmonic or cross-over distortion. It has protection against short circuit of DC and AC, thermal protection over the allowed range, dump of the load voltage peaks of up to 40V and accidental earth breaks. In conclusion it is a good option when it comes to an amplifier for the work table or the room. Ideal for beginners, although we must clarify that any circuit, however simple, sometimes has its drawbacks

TDA2003 Amplifier Schematic


4558 Tone Control Schematic


NOTE: The TDA2003 output integrals must be attached to an aluminum heatsink so that the heat emitted by them is dissipated. If you do not place the heatsink, screwing the integrated ones firmly into the heater, the amplifier will surely burn in a few minutes.


The part of tones is a little more complex but nothing because to be scared. The main component of the preamplifier with tone control is the C4558 integrated circuit. The original integrated is JRC4558 from the company New Japan Radio Co, but those who say only (C), leave good quality like other brands. The 4558 is a double low noise operational amplifier. It is one of the most used in professional audio for its excellent response and defined sound. Other replacements such as the TL072 can be used, but the sound is not the same, although it is also good.

Source: construyasuvideorockola.com

FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-26115.zip

Published: 2019/06/14 Tags: , ,

3 Comments “20W Stereo Amplifier With TDA2003 Tone Control

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    The solar cell powered back-up power supply should be as efficient as possible, it should be simple construction due to possible failures and should be reasonable sizes. The design of the charging inverter was based on the recommended connection available from LTC3536 drive datasheet, operating at 1.8 – 5.5 V input voltage I used the free LT spice IV simulation software, which is free to download on the Linear Technology website.

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  2. projets de circuits electroniquesprojets de circuits electroniques

    Amplificateur stéréo 20 W avec contrôle de tonalité TDA2003

    Plusieurs fois, nous avons été interrogés sur un amplificateur qui peut être alimenté avec la source informatique pour amplifier cela. Nous avons également vu la nécessité d’un amplificateur qui peut être transporté partout et qui fournit un service d’alimentation acceptable. En pensant à répondre à ces attentes, nous présentons un amplificateur stéréo 20W (10W par canal) avec contrôle de tonalité à 3 voies, inclus dans le même circuit imprimé.

    Cet amplificateur utilise le circuit intégré TDA2003 qui a la même configuration et distribution que les broches du TDA2002. La chose intéressante à propos de cet intégré est qu’il utilise très peu de composants externes, son assemblage est très simple, peu coûteux et utilise peu d’espace. Le TDA2003 fournit un courant de sortie jusqu’à 3,5 A, une distorsion harmonique ou croisée très faible. Il a une protection contre les courts-circuits de DC et AC, une protection thermique sur la plage autorisée, le vidage des pics de tension de charge jusqu’à 40V et les coupures de terre accidentelles. En conclusion, c’est une bonne option quand il s’agit d’un amplificateur pour la table de travail ou la pièce. Idéal pour les débutants, même s’il faut préciser que tout circuit, si simple soit-il, a parfois ses inconvénients
    Schéma de l’amplificateur TDA2003

  3. alexalex

    Hi! The TDA2003 can dellivery just 10W @ 2ohm. At 8 ohm speaker the power will be cca max 5-6W….


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