Always on my mind I would say if you did a nice 2.1 amp circuit .. although oddly fond of side projects on the internet, not a nice mono, stereo amplifier circuit as they do not have in abundance , but 2 +1 …
Half- bass is solid at National Semiconductor LM3886 amplifier integrated product , I use mesh to filter out again for RL 4558 op amp National Semiconductor LM1876 is the product that you want bilaterally or performance are very good sound quality you get
Test the sound quality I like my room to be small , especially the bass is very good , a lot of factors in the environment will disrupt the sound worked fine although quite high in ascent LM1876 is much more efficient when used with a spacious cabin
Test video in less quality is understandable, but the camera quality is low, the sound is very distorted still can give an idea I’ve enjoyed it already , these two integrated proven also the manufacturer’s sample schema out of the more exited photo 😉 Also I use mp3 player sesisd not too high to still sound pretty higher
RL- out on the 10 ohm 2w dienç 1mm wire coil located on the audio input can be rolled around a pencil on the 13th round against 2 sachets were used 1.5nF get your information
Printed circuit board, top view and material values;
Read the tested circuit;
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-16102.zip
Published: 2011/09/02 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier, lm3886 amplifier circuit
10 LED VU Meter Circuit LM3915
In this article made ​​with LM3915 integrated LED vu meter is shown in Figure 10 . VU meter circuit feature , listened to music according to the severity of the LEDs are lit . So vu meter circuit indicates the level of severity of music . Music of the bass, treble and volume regardless of how much more so the LEDs are lit.
Circuit at the same time the volume is more or less well understood. The first seven green LEDs on the circuit , while the other three LEDs make the dream of red renktedir.b the following purposes ; Green LED illuminates when the normal volume , together with the red LED lights up in green when the sound intensity is more straightforward.