STM8 delay implementation of delay_us and delay_ms in Cosmic-C inline assembly. All delay done using inline macro _delay. Register X used as cycle counter, number of cycles per microsecond calculated by US and MS macros (decrement/branch lasts 3 CPU ticks). Millisecond delays made by delay_ms function. STM8 1wire library
Library intended for communication with 1-wire devices. delay routines. To use it define (or edit ds1w.h) in/out port and bit macros DS1W_IN_PORT, DS1W_OUT_PORT, DS1W_BIT.
STM8 bin to BCD conversions Useful for number indication. There are 8bit, 16bit, and 32bit conversions (Cosmic inline-asm). 8bit and 16bit conversions use hardware division, 32bit conversion done by shifts and BCD correction.
STM8 Library files:
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2010/05/18 Tags: arm project, microcontroller projects
PLL RF amplifier, rdvv, cod, receiver, transmitter circuits
PLL RF amplifier, rdvv, cod, receiver, transmitter circuit and PCB drawings of many of the applied material’s information
Examples PLL