Tag: transistor amplifier

2SC5200 BJT transistor amplifier circuits, Mosfet transistor amplifier circuits 20w ……1000w, 2200w various power transistor amplifier projects

800W Class D Amplifier Circuit IR2110 PWM

| 2016/06/08

2X400W Class D Amplifier Project with IR2110 . The function of the PWM modulator For clarity of explanation of the function of the entire PWM modulator it is advisable to split it into a few blocks away. The first and most important block is the generator of triangular signal, which consists of the integrator formed…

300W RMS High performance Power Amplifier

| 2016/04/23

300W RMS power amplifier PCB drawing in the design of very high quality, very good but a complicated circuit layout + PCB drawing double-decker to be taken to the archive, though I don’t recommend it for beginners the value of the Operating voltage with symmetric +- 75v max. 80v overload, short circuit protection and preamfi…

AV800 Amplifier Project 500W 1000W

| 2016/04/22

AV800 Amp Forum application @fatih_celebi24 my brother have been sharing it sharing be noted that the following description has been a long time thanks for sharing it @fatih_celebi24 Hello, I tried to draw a long time ago AV800 Amp just as a hobby I decided to post my circuit made and were tested. N-Channel 5…

Stereo Car Amplifier 180 Watt Kenwood kac-716 DC-DC Covverter

| 2016/04/22

Car Amp IRFP240 IRFP9240 MOSFETs auto project from the forum @fatih_celebi24 comments below thanks for sharing it has be noted that sharing my brother’s @fatih_celebi24 Hello friends it has been a long time-tested the project we are sharing it with you auto amp. The circuit design for @master‘belongs to. Solid and a working circuit. I…

Project RAS100 Amplifier 4X100W

| 2016/04/22

I’ve shared before, “Ras100 100W hi fi Amplifier version 2” as I applied RAS100 4x amplifier project the circuit in addition to DC power supply filter speaker protection circuits that have a solid and I made this special for Channel 4. PCB diode Bridge DC filter hasn’t already been used in the design of the…

High-quality low-cost amplifier 20W

| 2016/04/22

The operation of a transistor amplifier for beginners. Integrated transistor amplifier from a mediocre competitors an example of how cheap it is superior, actually. I found a diagram in a foreign forum, I wanted to introduce a quite simple and low cost circuit. low-cost amplifier schematic Quite an old history in 1974 schema and extends…

Germanium Transistor Amplifier Circuit

| 2016/04/22

Once AD161-AD162 I had an experiment with pair. I still use almost every day. At first I didn’t like the sound, but I like listening to. The frequency of particular speech sounds very clear and is understandable. Quite a while (probably has been for eighteen years) and two ad162 ad161 a pair of them in…

190W RMS Darlington Car Amplifier TIP142 TIP147 SG3525 Converter

| 2014/02/24

190W RMS output stage amplifier circuit PCB printed circuit design darlington transistors are used TIP142 TIP147 very good original Car where there is no difference. Darlington amplifier supply voltage of +-30v DC battery to translate the symmetrical SG3525 control IC izerine Board is used only in this episode and amp DCDC converter circuit on the…

600W Class D amplifier Ir2110 (4 ohm 8 ohm 1000W)

| 2013/11/09

Class D amplifier circuits switch mode switched work thanks so much less material with higher power can give. 600w high power 2 provided with circuit bridge connection (4 ohm speakers with 1000w) for a total of 4 PCs FDP2532 mosfet is used (instead of IRFP250) mosfet driver circuits is controlled with the Ir2110 MOSFETs. Class…

100W Hi Fi Amplifier Ras100 Version 2

| 2013/05/19

Before “the new Hifi Amplifier Mosfet RAS300 RAS100 and PCB drawings” article for the RAS-100 100W MOSFET amplifier PCB shared drawing sketch I changed I said there’s no difference, but in fact the V2 have in terms of usability and pleasing to the eye to have had the opportunity to study the differences in performing…