Tag: pic16f628 projects

microcontroller pic16f628 Circuits, pic16f628 Projects pic16f628 sample code pic16f628 applications

128 User LCD Display Combination Lock Circuit PIC16F628

| 2024/12/17

The password electronic lock circuit PIC16F628A can store up to 128 users’ passwords. Users can change their passwords whenever they want. PIC16F628 and external Eeprom 24c08 are used to store these passwords. 2×16 LCD is used to display system messages. A piezoelectric buzzer that makes “beep sounds” is used to indicate the number pressed and…

30 Users 1 Admin RFID Access Control Circuit

| 2024/04/17

A project using RFID-RC522 module and PIC16F628A to perform access control with RFID Key cards. Adapted from Arduino “AcessControl” software. The PIC16F628A software is written in CCS C to work without SPI hardware. The RFID-RC522 module performs the entire radio frequency communication process (13.56 Mhz) with RFID tags. An RFID tag is an electronic tag…

SPI Flash Memory Audio File Write and Playback PIC16F628A 25Q32

| 2022/11/17

Flash IC is an audio file playback circuit prepared for high-capacity spi flash memory ICs, known as Bios ICs. The controller of the system is the PIC16F628 microcontroller, the spi flash integrated 25Q64 used for memory was removed from an old computer motherboard. I made the circuit application with 25Q32BV, I removed these integrated from…

Transformer Winding Machine Control Board

| 2022/09/24

The control card made for the transformer winding machine can control the winding from 0 to 99.999 turns with 5 steps. You can use common cathode or common anode Led display. 6 buttons are used to control functions. The heart of the circuit is the PIC16F628 Microcontroller IC. The set number of rounds is saved…

1-7 Channel Weekly Timer

| 2022/09/19

A 2X16 LCD screen is used to display the data based on the weekly timer circuit PIC16F628A microcontroller and the DS1302 real time clock IC. There are different software for using 1.7 Channel without changing the PCB drawing. Relays 12V 10A Clock, calendar, 4 buttons are used for on-off settings of relays. The current drawn…

BEKA-MAX Type S-EP 4 Pump Control Circuit (Clone) PIC16F628

| 2022/02/27

BEKA-MAX Type S-EP 4 pump is used for central lubrication of various mechanisms and equipment units. BEKA-MAX Since there is no IMS 559. 392 integrated in the original pump card, the author has made a clone pump control circuit using a PIC16F628 microcontroller. There is a pcb drawing prepared with the source Mplab asm and…

Mobile DTMF Relay Control Circuit

| 2021/03/30

Mobile line compatible DTMF relay control project made by arranging the fixed line DTMF relay control project of my @ETE teacher. ULN2004 for relay driver used CM8880 IC for DTMF receiver installed on circuit PIC16F628 microcontroller. It has Proteus pcb, simulation, picbasic source and hex codes. Working Logic of DTMF Relay System First of all,…

PIC Microcontroller Synthesizer Audio Electronics Projects

| 2020/02/06

Synthesizer, Guitar Effect Pedals Flanger etc. While various projects are generally circuits with Synthesizer signal generation, there are different projects. All projects have detailed descriptions of source assembly and hex codes. In translation, “Envelope generators” stands for Turkish as “envelope generator”. I’m not sure if the translation is not correct; Envelope generators are circuits that…

CM8870 Remote device control via telephone DTMF pic16f628

| 2014/04/09

PIC16F628 microcontroller and DTMF CM8870 integrated circuits based on the 1, 2, 4 relay has versions with PCB printed circuit drawings ares proteus software prepared by the Picbasic. Source code, the PCB according to the drawings, as well as different operating scenarios given in Picbasic software files. For sharing Şükrü ÖZKARABACAK I thank my teacher…

With 4 Digit 7 Segment Time DS18B20 Thermometers pic16f628

| 2014/02/26

Pic16f628 microcontroller-DS18B20 sensor clock thermometer based on the project has been very useful and detailed narration. Pic16f628-DS18B20 On the streets, the streets often started to see their side – instantly claiming your dependability or your willingness to serve the public, Turkish people maybe advertisers pay attention çekmekdeki with the application of the new method of…