Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

Large 7-Segment Display Circuit ULN2803 PIC16F876A

| 2008/07/30

Large-size display prices are expensive, and they have a limit, but if you make a led display yourself, you can get large sizes. In the led diplay control, pic16f876 is used, the leds are driven with uln2803, the operating frequency of the circuit is 20mhz prepared with software ccsc. This project has 6.7 segments. Except…

Lego Robot Project with PIC16F877 PIC Assembly

| 2008/07/26

Two of the PIC16F877 microcontroller based on harsh economics Robot Barrier lego robot used a lot in part lego robot can be said also tip31, tip32 bridge motor driver with transistors have a more solid thanks to the movable clamping bodies can hold in front. Other robots could be called the robot obstacle seems simple…

Ultrasonic Range Finder Circuit AD605 PIC16F876

| 2008/07/26

Ultrasonic distance measurement, detection circuit pic16f876 microcontroller and ad605 (Dual Low Noise Variable Gain Amplifier singlesupply) integrated circuit diagrams used are C and asm software also Resimlerdede oscilloscope’s measurement. 40kHz ultra sonic transducers used as sensors. I2C Sonar Ultrasonic Range Finder In many embedded systems design, it becomes necessary to have the capability of discerning…

Electric Bike Motor Control Circuit TC4420 PWM PIC16F819

| 2008/07/24

The pwm method is used in the motor control circuit, the microchip product tc4420 high speed 6 amp mosfet driver is used at the output of the pic16f819, while the mosfets are 2 pieces irf2907. There is also a current detection circuit over a 0.01ohm shunt resistor made with a tlv2461 op amp to detect…

PIC16F84 Simple LED Blink PIC-C

| 2008/07/22

In this project, I PIC16F84A microcontroller PORTB bits to 0 (RB0) LED (light emitting diode) is connected. In the project, this LED is extinguished and burned at intervals of 250 milliseconds. was operated with a 4MHz crystal microcontroller. RB0 port (pin 6) is connected to a resistor and an LED. PIC16F84 LED Blink Schematic PIC16F84…

Using DS1668 Digital Potentiometer with PIC16F877

| 2008/06/29

Prepared by: oaycan Maxim DS1868 (Digital Potentiometer) and PIC 16F877 Usage Proteus isis Simulation We will make a digital potentiometer using Maxim’s DS1868 dual digital potentiometer IC and PIC 16F877. With this application, you will be able to select one or two digital potentiometers and change the 10K value. Digital potentiometer applications are used in…

PIC16F84A Light Effects Circuits

| 2008/06/23

Lamp driven by powerful elements such as opto coupler, relay, triac controlled by pic16f84, light effect circuits create an eye-catching image with various flashing patterns, some of them have computer connection, generally they have 4, 8 channel lamp outputs. PIC16F84 The console lights * 8 outputs for filament lamps on which you can adjust the…

PIC17C77 Midi Control Circuit MC14067

| 2008/06/23

There a few years, PC began to be powerful enough to réaliserde software synthesis. For my part, I discovered the real time software synthesis with ReBirth on my Pentium 166MHz MMX. Of course, software synthesis exist on the PC, such as Virtual Waves, but the arrival of real-time creates a turning point for me anyway.…

0-30V DC Voltage Current Power Monitor

| 2008/06/21

DC POWER SUPPLY CONTROL SYSTEM 0-30V DC output capable circuit protected power supply to the crash the pursuit of power is a system which can be installed simply. Since the output voltage does not interfere with the regulation of the power supply can be used with all kinds. The system can be screened simultaneously in…

Proteus isis 3310 LCD Library PICBasic PRO, CCS C Application

| 2008/06/19

Nokia phone lcd circuits are made beautiful with the old phone is good for this job 🙂 evaluate Proteus model file for this type of study can be useful There are two buy two degrees of application notes given for the PIC16F877 is carried out with CCs Proteus 6.3 SP1 is not installed on your…