Tag: atmega8 projects

avr microcontroller atmega8 Circuits, atmega8 Projects atmega8 sample code atmega8 applications.

30V Adjustable 10A Regulated Power Supply Circuit

| 2010/02/07

Power supply circuit 1.2v – 30 volts adjustable voltage 0 – 10 amps have short circuit protection features adjustable fan control lm337 mosfet buk416 been designing reinforced negative regulator LM358 opamp designed with solid control. Prepared with Eagle’s circuit schematic and PCB drawings 30V Regulated Power Supply Circuit I would like to share with you…

Power LED Driver Circuit LED Current Sources Atmega8 PWM

| 2009/12/26

Power LED driver circuit based on Atmel ATmega8 is working with 12 volt 3 ​​1 watt Luxeon power LEDs with PWM buck converter is operated ATmega-8 a good example source code to solve logic diagram drawing have PCBs. Power LED Driver PWM LUTW stands for Light Up The World which is an organisation which aims…

100Watt PV Panel Converter Atmega8 100W DC to AC ICL7667 ETD34

| 2009/12/26

The use of solar energy will be the topic for a long time an active electronic circuit is used a lot in this business at one of these inverter dc to ac converters. Ac dc voltage from PV module circuit (240Vac) is turning 100 watts of power system voltage control provided by Atmel ATmega8. ATmega…

Digital Audio Control Circuit Nokia 3310 LCD Atmel ATmega8 TDA7439

| 2009/10/23

My old chassis while stirring an old stereo on the chassis tda7439 found it and integrate these with making an application decided and ultimately such a nice application appeared application If we are talking circuit tda7439 digital volume control operate in a supervisory ATMega8 LCD as in my hand 3310 lcd because 3310 LCDs to…

Atmel Atmega8 Multimeter Circuit (led display)

| 2008/12/07

Hello, “Multimeter” was the only title that first came to my mind to. Voltmeter (positive DC voltage) from 0.00 to 9.99 V and 10.0 – 30.0 V with automatic range switching. Frequency counter 0 .. 7.999 MHz (theoretisch. ..) with automatic Change the time base Logic tester L – Prohibited area – H (actually open…

PC Controlled Flower Watering Circuit with ATmega8

| 2008/11/25

As far as I understand an interesting project information via computer is determined irrigation irrigation is done in the required time data exchange via RS232 com port has made ​​the source code and diagrams that can be easily applied, but not a project requires some expertise Flower Watering Test Flowers cast? No buck! That done…

USB Port Relay Control with Atmel Atmega8

| 2008/10/16

I had searched a lot once for this type of circuit, although my searches were a circuit made with Microchip PIC Series. 6 relay control can be done via usb port. There are computer program pcb code usb driver and schematic files. The supply of the circuit is SPI and RS232 connections on the 9-12…

ATmega8 Motorcycle alarm circuit

| 2008/09/05

In addition to the “normal” functions of a motorcycle alarm system, it has the following features: Own power supply. Cell phone call signal. Only a few systems that cost several hundred euros have this functionality. Listening to the motorcycle by calling the mobile phone Help with installation problems through our friendly colleagues at Honda Bol…

Atmel ATMEGA8 IR detector circuit

| 2008/08/18

8 channel IR detector proximity sensor circuit is implemented with ATmega8 microcontroller. Obstacle sensing measuring via I2C bus (TWI, SMBus), designed for mobile robot. The Proximity Detector circuit works on the basis of reflecting infrared light beam. Eight-channel proximity sensor information; Measuring principle: IR light reflection Detection Max. Number of sensors: 8 independent sensors Communication…

Atmega8 Experiment Development Board

| 2008/06/14

In the folowing page I will present you an open source development board for ATMEGA8 builded especialy for Linux users. This development board is perfect for all the newbies that want to learn about AVR Microcontrollers or want to build some nice projects with it. ATMEGA8 DevBRD contains: *ISP programer *RS232 comunication (serial port) *HIGH…