ATmega8 AVR V/A Metter circuit Atmel ATmega8 ADC samples performed by software with C language prepared using the ADC in ATMEGA8 `s vol 2 × 16 LCD display ampere meter circuit made. Project of the circuit diagram and source code have AVR Studio 4. Source: AVR Ammeter Volt Meter Project files Alternative link:
Atmel USB programmer shared by more ö “Atmel AVR USB programmer” circuit designed by the advanced ZIF socket version. Source: usbasp – USB programmer for Atmel AVR controllers As long as the 8-pin pinout fit, 20-pin, 28-pin, 40-pin Atmel processor can be programmed. Circuit and program prepared on the use of video lectures and…
Nokia 3310 screen already had several applications with bi-color LCD at this time I decided to experiment with it. Heavily on the market, the Nokia 6100 LCDs and their controllers for microchip using Atmel ATmega8 given codes can edit and work with Winavi made to optimize and tried with ATmega8 code works just fine. 220Ω,…
Power supply circuit volts and current information is shown on the LCD screen of the C source software, PCBs (sprint layout) has schema files. Project for people working with Atmel microcontroller series voltage current measurement can be a good example. Source: Atmega8 Power Supply Circuit Alternative link:
Generally, the integrated circuits used for vumeter indicators support 2×15 LEDs or 10 LEDs. In this circuit, more LEDs are used using the Atmel microcontroller. The Vu-meter circuit is based on the Atmega8 microcontroller, there are two channels, stereo, 32 LEDs per channel, a total of 64 LEDs. There are PCB drawings, hex and c…
Via the USB port of your computer that you can program Atmel series microcontrollers ISP port with stylish design a programming circuit. Prepared with eagle pcb circuit usb programming. are schematic drawings. To use the circuit to inspectors ATmega8 avr-doper-mega8-12mhz_a.hex need to download the file. Atmel AVR USB Programmer Simplified Version of AVR Doper USB…
Atmega8 Microcontroller with PLC function is a computer-connected control card, of course, does not have very advanced features, but a successful application that will inspire has been shared in the above sources Some features of the PLC Card; Digital inputs TTL or 5V CMOS 4 pieces Digital outputs TTL or 5V CMOS 4 pieces Analog…
Transistor very useful for testing the circuit, but I do not know more pic programming with atmel series in seeing this type of advanced applications get confused 🙂 Transistor test circuit, BJT, MOSFET, triac, thyristor, JFET transistors and diodes can be measured. Source software and diagrams drawn with eagle pcb files there. ATMega8 Transistor Tester…
Hi, I have done recently attiny2313’l usb application (ATTINY2313 PIC16F88 USB UART converter circuit) then one needs at this time on I did with ATmega8. RS232 portion of the circuit 15 disuse I / O pin with a control board that communicates via usb I designed. Available in 15 out of 15 relay circuit on…
Mobile phones with Nokia 3410 LCD screens often used microcontrollers Atmel ATmega8 and cywm6935 nokia 3410 LCD modules made with a 2.4 GHz spectrum analyzer circuit Handheld 2.4 GHz Spectrum Analyzer Circuit After visiting some web pages about 2.4 GHz ISM band spectrum analyzers based on the CYWM6935 module, I tried to build my own…