Previously normal for LM3886 and TDA7294, for bridge connections but this feature of the project was shared circuits designed to bridge the connection of PCB layout drawings and small size of the smooth double-sided construction drawings to be as bad a little difficult
My first attempt at a double-sided PCBs had a bit lot of tiring effort separate upper and lower sections for easy connection element section çıkatıp to pierce plaque plaques pasted in certain areas
PCB used photoshop to make it suitable for printing Drawing
Published: 2009/09/17 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier, lm3886 amplifier circuit, tda7294 amplifier circuit
Hi Tech C LCD Examples PIC18F452, PIC16F877
Software Hi-Tech C language prepared by the various applications of electronic sections PIC18F452 PIC16F877 PIC18F4550 based on the Hi Tech C source code and the PCB drawings and all other documents have been shared, LCD character graphics used for the conversion in the programs are
Graphic LCD display 240×128. T6963 controller
Graphic LCD display 240 * 128. T6963 controller. The display is controlled by a 18F4550. The usb is not yet managed. This screen comes from diffusion in Electronics (reference TX-1741-C3M Toshiba).