DS18B20 PIC16F628 thermometer circuit There are proteus simulation ares pcb and source picbasic pbp and hex software of a circuit thermometer circuit that shows the inside and outside temperature on the LCD that you can use in your car.
Car Thermometer Circuit PIC16F628
QUESTION: I want to ask something. The simulation is very good, but the value written on the sensor shows 1 degree missing on the LCD screen. What is the reason for this? So it is set to 60 degrees, but the LCD shows 59.0 degrees. What can be done to make it show 60? How is it calibrated?
ANSWER: What you said is true my friend, but I put an alcohol thermometer in front of me and adjusted it accordingly and lowered it by 1 degree. This Is For Real Life. You Can Fix It This Way. When you examine the source code of the program, you will encounter a statement like ISI=(ISI/1000)-1. Delete the -1 there, So if you do ISI=(ISI/1000), your problem will be solved.
Car thermometer Project PicBasic Pro source code DS18B20 PIC16F628 proteus isis schematic pcb files
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/02/12 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f628 projects, picbasic pro examples
PIC16F84 PS2 Keyboard Emulator
Ps2 keyboard emulator with a computer circuit PIC16F84 PIC16F84 micro-controller for use with the PS2 keyboard assembly prepared with a sample project pic software. circuit given the necessary information materials list and code expansions keyboard input and output data connection and it’s a lot more information
Keyboard Emulator Schematic
The PIC16F628 is a much better chip to use alongside the DS18B20 temperature chip. Use this instead: https://digitbox.etsy.com/uk/listing/1587323075/ds18b20-temperature-sensor-interfacing
The PIC16F628 is a much better chip to use alongside the DS18B20 temperature chip. Use this instead:
Use this tutorial instead. All assembly language provided
Get the asm code for this instead of just a hex code. The one wire protocol has been made available here:
The PIC16F628 is a much better chip to use alongside the DS18B20 temperature chip. Use this instead: https://digitbox.etsy.com/uk/listing/1587323075/ds18b20-temperature-sensor-interfacing