Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

24V Switch Mode Power Supply FSFR2100

| 2012/07/13

FSFR2100 Fairchild production of a new generation of very powerful SMPS control driver IC power MOSFET integrated in the complete 300 kHz operating frequency is being used to feed the lcd SMPS circuit televuzyon have but a very ideal for the application. Switch Mode Power Supply FSFR2100 LCD TV The evaluation kit for the FSFR2100.…

Arm Sumo Robot Project STM32F4

| 2012/07/13

Discovery ST Microelectronics ARM development STM32F4 production, based on experiments card to mini-water robot project that makes working with ARM beginners a good example for people TB6612FNG used for dc motor drive is used as a sensor Sharp GPY0D340K ..   “KAVSA” mini sumo using ARM processor, an ARM platform software development experimental mini-sumodur. PİC…

Power Led Driver Circuit LNK419EG 50V Switch Mode Power Supply

| 2012/07/13

Power Integrations is constantly developing new integrated SMPS control is doing very well in light of the documentation. Temperature, harmonics, power and so on. All test reports of the SMPS transformer winding circuit gerber files, including information gives everything. 23W LED Driver LNK419EG based on this integrated series of linkswitch-PH LED driver ICs in this…

PT100 Temperature Sensor Circuit

| 2012/07/13

PT100 temperature sensor is used, the use of a simple circuit for OPA129U op amp PT100 sensor detects temperature OPA129U 0-10 volt output is between. Commissioning of the pcb (active elements of smd), schema, and there is Additional placement drawings like PT100 temperature, resistance to the change table and calculation formula. Source: alternative link:…

HiFi Power Amplifier

| 2012/07/13

The recent aquisition of a pair of vintage Infinity RS-5b speakers prompted a search for an amplifier to drive them. According to the documentation that came with my speakers, an amplifier between 35W and 135W is recommended (not my 10W at 10% THD piece of garbage Sharp 3-in-1). Initially, I looked at commercial amplifiers (Yamaha,…

Hot Air Gun soldering QFN MLF

| 2012/07/12

MLF QFN package with an integrated hard solder, a fine job .. how soldering with hot air gun in the video have been shown to help, of course, indispensable materials (flux, collets, etc..) Is used. Repair jobs you’re dealing Practice your hands get used made ​​in China some digital pictures of machines MAXIM production advanced…

LM3886 Amplifier Circuit BPA300

| 2012/07/12

I used to implement a rampant LM3886 application BPA300 LM3886 notes will take a lot of time, but I couldn’t find the çizmeside circuit was just a search, I found the drawing but the pcb is double trouble. If you want to make, single-layer pcb design, symmetrical supply circuit, the input amplifier, 220v with soft…

Handmade TQFP32 Converter DIP32 Adapter To PCB

| 2012/07/12

TQFP32 in integrated circuits do not require soldering, especially for microcontroller projects, going to work is a handy TQFP32 DIP32 very good craftsmanship In handmade converter pcb solder after filling up with left, right bars soldered onto the sections. In order to facilitate the placement of the chip, the chip will form part of the…

Line Following Robot Circuit PIC12F508 MC68HC908QB8

| 2012/07/11

Line following robot project, control of MC68HC908QB8 and PIC12F508 microcontrollers. Motor drive circuit used the L298. The system is complicated and cumbersome, but there’s a different robot projects useful sections PIC12F508-American SFH506-36 IR receiver solid (Infra Red Proximity Detector uses Sharp 38 or 40 kHz IRM) IRE5 sensor solid power supply regulated etc. is a…

12V 240V DC Transformerless Converter IR2153 TL494

| 2012/07/11

12v dc voltage 240v dc converts to 2 different circuit. someone ir2153 with the other is crafted with 100w power output drive circuits can give tl494 floor transformer obsolete high voltage, tesla circuits made with voltage diode capacitor, we see the connection there usage restricted circuits the multiplexer also aren’t very healthy fee too but…