Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Class A Amplifier Circuit PASS ZEN V5

| 2012/09/08

Class A amplifiers are a world apart, especially the DIY realm of this task is very large sums of money spends there the first rule of all materials, the quality and being original post is already coming class A amp in the general output güçlr is low but real power is also continuously at full…

BH1415 FM Transmitter RF Amplifier Output to Up

| 2012/09/08

BH1415F stereo FM transmitter integrated based on an FM transmitter device output güçlendr made ​​to a circuit .. FM transmitter used in the RF amplifier circuit 2N5770 (instead NTE108 or other provisions) MRF515 (2N5943 or NTE77) transistors based on the 12v power supply is working with. Author modifying RF amplifier with 10 meters to about…

Scrolling Text Circuit LED Matrix PIC16F628 74HC595

| 2012/09/08

Marquee circuit built on the pic16f628 microcontroller circuit 8 X 80 LED matrix used LEDs is being prepared with the source software assembly circuits 74HC595. asm, cod, etc. have proteus isis simulation file. marquee circuit computer with rs232 interface for the despatch of an advanced case of kom port communicates using the terminal program. LED…

Op Amp In Stereo Hi-fi Tone Control Circuit

| 2012/09/08

Stereo tone control circuit bass, treble, balance and volume controls OPA2107 op amp is not used in the original series pretty open is frequently used in high-quality professional audio applications not found in the market place TL072, NE5532 opamps used. HiFi tone control circuit’s PCB drawing and layout diagram does not have a circuit is…

Lego Kit With Automatic Book Scanner Robot

| 2012/09/08

It can scan the books to the computer to transfer the most puzzling part to turn the pages in a professional for this job is a lot of work also have devices generating writes auto DIY book scanner with mechanical portions of the Lego robot kit is already the most puzzling according to the speed…

Lego Models For Open-Source Free CAD Program LeoCAD

| 2012/09/08

LeoCAD is a free open source windows and linux versions of CAD program I looked very beautiful work, very professional can reconstruct instances of Lego drawings have also illustrated the very well prepared documentation about commentaries etc. LeoCAD. There are also a lot of information now have different parts of a previous article in the…

Transistor Adjustable ZENER Diode

| 2012/09/05

Alternative to a zener diode circuit adjustable Zener. According to the current PNP transistor where you will use a more powerful zener diode can be achieved. voltage adjustment every 10k worth of pot 1 and is increasing. Adjustable ZENER Schematic

USB Thermometer Circuit CCS C PIC18F4550

| 2012/09/01

Hi All You Guys. How long have you been working on CCS C. CCS will be able to see my level, so it is no longer something to do after arrival. In this article, I made a small application on the USB communication pic18f4550. I really wanted to deal with the USB. A little uğraştırsada…

Sd Card Sound Recording, Playback Circuit PIC16F876A

| 2012/09/01

Audio recording circuit in addition to the Board upon a few passive pic16f876a microcontroller circuit is able to record onto sd card component was established to stop, play, record, pause, there are functions in addition to the audio input in the leg 2 pic16f876a preamp with the microphone can be connected. Audio recording circuit source…

Simple Two-Channel Servo Motor Test Circuit 555

| 2012/09/01

Servo motor test circuit the same simple structure made of circuit ne555 timer IC 2 piece disabled based on servo motor can be used in different applications depending on the situation or the test writer to run the circuit 4 x 1.2 v rechargeable batteries, used by linking instead of the 5v adapter serial Servo…