Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

dsPIC30F2010 PWM Motor Driver Circuit DRV8402

| 2016/06/18

DRV8402 Motor Driver Circuit The main component is the microcontroller dsPIC30F2010, who for its activities needs outside of the power supply voltage also a source of accurate clock pulses. In order to achieve the speed of 30 MIPs, we had to calculate the speed of the desired crystal. Each instruction takes four bars of the…

4X60W Car Amplifier Circuit LM3886 SG3525 DC DC Converter

| 2016/06/18

Amplifier 4×60 Watts. To its solution was first selected integrated circuit LM3886T. The proposal continued the calculations and the election of the additional components of the integrated circuit and the design of printed circuit connections. To the end amplifier was also designed system of active cooling. In the fourth chapter was made the proposal of…

Self Oscillating SMPS Circuit Flyback 600W 60V 120KHZ

| 2016/06/17

Self-oscillating switchmode power supply SMPS is used as a simple and cheap power source. Circuits that carry the architecture of the samokmitajících converters comprising, for example, resources for the charger of mobile phones or resources for power supply of data processing. It is therefore mainly of a low power applications (up to 100 W). Flyback…

100W Led Driver Circuit PFC UCC28180 UCC3813D-1

| 2016/06/15

100W Power Led Driver Circuit Select the suitable type of a power driver, if the lamp with LED of power about 100W supplied from a distribution network 230V. Compare the different options for solution driver. Build a simplified a mathematical model of the used LEDS and the simulation in the environment Matlab-Simulink UCC3813D UCC28180 An…

0-30V 0-3A Adjustable Switching Laboratory Power Supply

| 2016/06/15

DC-DC Laboratory Power Supply 0-30V 0-3A LT1074 is a switching regulator type step-down (lowering) with a maximum current of 5 A. Can work with the value of the input voltage up to 60 V version (HV) and the output voltage can be set in the range of 2.5 V – 50 In. Without modifying the…

1000W PFC Circuit UC3855

| 2016/06/15

1KW PFC Circuit UC3855 for its function requires a dc supply voltage of 10 to 20V . His sampling is during normal operation of 17 to 25 ma. The integrated circuit additionally contains the input VCC zener diode of 20V. The maximum current for this diode is, however, only 20 mA [19]. Therefore, it is…

Digital Class D Amplifier Circuit TAS5706A PCM1850A ATmega128

| 2016/06/14

TAS5706A Class D Amplifier was itself the signal processor. From this parts depend all the other elements. Has an impact on the type of power supply, the control method of the type converter. That is why he was first selected DSP processor. There are more firms that produce the processed signal processors whose internal connection…

Adjustable SMPS Laboratory Power Supply UCC28600 0-30V 5A

| 2016/06/10

Adjustable Laboratory Power Supply SMPS design a lab power supply switching concept, which will work in kvazirezonancním fashion. The source should have one symmetrical output 0 to ±30 V / 5A (UCC28600) and one output single-ended +5V / 2A. (TOP243) Equipment opatrete digital indication of the output voltage and current and the electronic protection during…

30W RF Power Amplifier Circuit Project

| 2016/06/10

High-frequency RF Power Amplifier is a device that is able to change (amplify) the amplitude of the input signal using power supplied from the power supply. This energy is transformed into the amplified output signal and partly on the heat (the amount of the dissipated power radiated as heat is dependent on the efficiency of…

2X100W Class D Amplifier Circuit HIP4081A

| 2016/06/09

HIP4081A two-channel output stage amplifier working in class D power 2×100 W to the load 8 Ω. For its construction are used mostly SMD components to the parasitic characteristics of the conductive connections shown what at least. The end-amplifier working in class D was designed in the “non-integrated” version in engagement with each of the…