Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

Stereo, Mono Amplifier Circuit TBA820M

| 2018/06/09

A simple all-in-one TBA820M from the past that many of you know and experience. Despite its small size, it accomplishes great work from its height according to its time, its price is cheap, the area it covers is small and its working tension is quite flexible. I have tried to make the two circuit boards…

Amplifier Circuit 400W Harman kardon Modified Clone

| 2018/06/09

The modified C-Class Sixteen model of the Harman card company in 1976 is able to deliver 400 watts of power through a 4-ohm speaker with an AB class Amplifier circuit . The power transistors 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 use the TL072 opamp in the 400w anfi circuit. The OPA2134 opamp is said to be of better…

Battery Charger With Flyback SMPS Mod.

| 2018/06/09

14V 3.5 A SMPS Modification for Battery Charging @Bülent NUR is one of the projects that my husband announced .. I saw a few examples of SMPS Charger Modification but I did not have the opportunity to apply it. The system consists of two parts: first the output voltage of the SMPS adapter is set…

Arduino Library Files Proteus

| 2018/06/09

The Proteus simulation program works especially well for testing microcontroller projects, but at least it gives some insight. Proteus libraries for Arduino Arduino Proteus Models Proteus Arduino Mega1280 Proteus Arduino UNO Proteus Arduino Pro Mini Proteus Arduino Mega2560 Proteus Arduino Nano Proteus Arduino Mini Arduino Proteus library files to be assigned to Proteus LIBRARY C:\Program…

Led Pov Clock Arduino Pro Mini

| 2018/06/09

The Arduino led pov clock circuit has been an interesting project, and the author has made use of the arduino feeding system with the popular wireless energy transmission method, which is an additional circuit for additional NE555. But if you do not want to deal with the wireless power supply for the Arduino Pro Mini,…

Current-Limit Power Led Car Brake Lamp

| 2018/06/09

Previously, “White LED Lights with Caravan” written in white LED lamp designs that can be used also for interior lighting of the car. The LEDs used in the LED lamp project are easy to install but they do not light very much because they are low power. .. This LED lighting project is also used…

Switch Mode Soldering Station Circuit UC3845 500W

| 2018/05/18

SMPS Soldering Station Circuit However, this voltage is linear increasing tendency due to the existence of the magnetizing current of the main transformer and due to the limited inductance of the inverter output choke. By comparing this actual current flow (pin 3 UC3845) with the setpoint setpoint (pin 1 UC 3845) is directly generated PWM…

18dB 20Hz 200Hz Subwoofer Crossover Circuit

| 2018/05/18

Electronic Active Crossover Circuit Subwoofer Crossover NE5532 The audible band is in the frequency range 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Signal loud speakers are used, but they are not capable of transferring the entire audible band. Speakers are also used broadband that transmits most of the band but not whole. They still have a problem…

Arduino Uno FM AM Transmitter Circuit SI4713

| 2018/05/18

The most important part is the construction of a functional sample of a Arduino Uno software-defined one transmitter. After agreement with the supervisor and current options, she was elected concept with SI4713 digital circuit for FM band 76-108 MHz. first the point of practical implementation is a block design with the necessary description of the…

ATmega32 8 Bit Game Circuit LCD Joystick

| 2018/05/18

The game console is made up of an Atmel ATmega32 processor, comprising 32kB Flash program memory, 1kB EEPROM memory and 2kB SRAM memory. Next is the console consisting of an LCD display and a speaker. To the console for ease of maneuverability games joins the joystick. This is a 64×128 pixel LCD. Available under different…