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Data logger project ADuC831 Datalogger Circuit data measurement in processes and followed by a microprocessor equipped with a datalogger based on one from the economical I51 series microcontrollers. Data logger control was implemented via RS232, RS485 or USB interface. The Datalogger is equipped with analog modules for temperature and atmospheric pressure measurements. The measured data…
LED brightness control gives you tremendous control over the light emitted by the LEDs. However, to use them in a safe manner for LEDs and other devices or electrical installations, use appropriate regulators and power supplies. Inputs of unused gates are attached to the power supply. The P1 10 kohm potentiometer allows the PWM to…
The way to create the “Reverb” effect can be divided into two types: mechanical and electronic, depending on the operation principle. The first and at the same time the oldest solution is the spring arrangement. In the second solution, analogue or digital delay lines are used. Effects built with springs give old-fashioned color, but the…
The first block is built on the NE555, which acts as a free-wave generator. VR1 50k potentiometer and C1 capacitor and VR3 100k potentiometer and capacitor C2 are responsible for the “rotation” speed. The VR3 potentiometer at maximum resistance increases the rotation speed. The rotation speed is in the range of 20 … 75 Hz.…
LM338 Circuit 1,5v…32v – 3A s you know, every electronic circuit needs power. That is why power supplies and voltage stabilizers are one of the most popular topics, enjoying uninterrupted interest. The presented power supply is an application of the popular LM338 regulator IC, which housed practically all elements of the high voltage regulator LM338.…
Mono power module, based on LM3886 application. He enjoys very high popularity and good reputation even among audiophiles who are “overly sensitive to everything that is integrated”. The LM3886 integrated circuit is based on bipolar transistors. It is equipped with protection circuitry for overheating, overload, and a very useful muting circuit for switching on and…
LM2576T-ADJ Power supply DC DC through long cables is associated with the voltage that is the greater, the longer the cable length and the current drawn by the receiver. Sometimes this fall is so big that the receiver is not working properly. The presented regulator compensates for this by measuring the voltage at the receiver…
Nixie lamp Thermometer DS18B20 Circuit with ATtiny2313 The first Nixie lamps appeared in the mid-twentieth century. For many years they have been used in a variety of apparatuses but have been supplanted by newer VFD displays and LEDs. For decades, forgotten again, they returned to grace in retro electronics projects of hobbyists as well as…
TPA3116 Class D Amplifier Circuit A small class-D mid-range stereo headset that will be used in car headphones, active speakers, or PC-audio. The amplifier module is based on the TPA3116 circuit comprising two bridged power amplifier channels with common switching, muting and protection circuits. TPA3116 Circuit schematic The TPA3116 power amplifier schematic diagram. The U1…
The lamp used in the project is PCL805 tube. Older Readers may remember it because it was used in the vertical deflection pattern of most tube TVs. Today it can be obtained for free or almost free because it has not found use in today’s acoustic amplifiers built by many enthusiasts. What parameters does this…