Category Archive: Electronics Projects

Electronic plans news for electronic hobbyist or engineers. Free electronic schematics (circuits) electronic blog site. Electronic content post and more..

LM317 TIP36C 0-30V 0-5A Laboratory Power Supply

| 2020/11/29

I have seen different versions of the power supply, even the same circuit has a halide designed as a battery charging circuit in the LM317 datasheet file and in some electronic books, but I did not have the opportunity to apply it. Nevertheless, the familiar power supply circuit such as the LM317, made with the…

DIY Orthopedic Knee Chair

| 2020/07/03

It can be thought that sitting on the knee chair, does not look comfortable, but it is a very useful design especially for those who spend a lot of time at the computer. The parts can be made by hand, but it is much better with CNC. When sitting on a computer tongs for a…

TL072 Active Filter Circuit For Subwoofer Amp

| 2020/07/03

The important thing for the subwoofer amplifier is the Bass filter circuit. Circuit TL072 Opamp is built on operational amplifier. The system’s task is to collect signals from both channels and then separate low frequencies. There is a lower level filter, regulation of filter cutoff frequency in the range of 50Hz-150Hz, smooth phase shift and…

Car Amplifier Circuit 2X300W 500W SG3525 DC DC Converter

| 2020/07/03

My brother Hasan is an old project of two channels 300w and 500w versions. Pre-shared 500W 250W Hi-Fi Transistor Amplifier Circuits and SG3525 EI33 ATX 200-600w DC-DC Converter for auto amplifier projects Output power transistors of the Amplifier Circuits 2SC5200, 2SA1943 DC DC converter floor SG3525 pwm control integration is used. EI33 transformers are used…

OBD II Socket Adapter PCB

| 2020/07/02

The project is an external OBDII socket interface that allows easy access to the CAN bus and other transmission lines used by vehicle manufacturers using a diagnostic tester. Recommendations: the project is designed for car services and workshops dealing with electronics and diagnostics. All electronic modules are connected in parallel to a 2-wire twisted pair.…

Automatic Polarity Stabilizer Simple Relay Circuit

| 2020/07/02

Simple circuit with relay that directs output at the correct polarity when DC input is reversed. In reverse polarity protection, there is no output in the wrong connection. With this circuit, it gives output in all kinds of connections. In this connection there is a circuit that is inserted between the power supply and the…

0.2V-80V 0-10A Adjustable Switched Mode Power Supply

| 2020/07/02

The 0.2V-80V switched power supply built on TL494 Integration can be used in various devices, motors, battery, battery charging processes, etc. designed for. There is additional SMPS circuit with TNY267 integrated circuit for feeding elements such as TL494, Fan, Relay. Like many circuit elements used in the SMPS Project, this material was supplied from PC…

IR2153 Audio SMPS Circuits

| 2020/07/02

SMPS designs designed as IR2153 amplifier power source based on IR2153 Integration. The 300W version gives 2X44V DC. Circuits have Short circuit protection. IR2153 SMPS 300W Version: In general, IR2153 Supply voltage is taken over 220v filter capacitor, that is, over + 310V resistor or mosfet regulator. In these circuits, 18k 2w resistor is connected…

300W Amplifier Circuit MJ15003 MJ15004

| 2020/04/29

This is a very good amplifier suitable for driving compact speakers or bass or midrange PA systems. The great advantage of this connection is, on the one hand, the use of commonly available components, reasonable price and also the integration of all basic protections directly on the amplifier board, which significantly simplifies the construction of…

Development Board PIC 40 PIN

| 2020/04/28

PIC Development Board 40 is a PIC family MCU development kit in standard I / O format IDC-10 which is separated into PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD and PORTE. Using TextTools 40 pin as a MCU MCU, allowing to use both PIC 40,28,18 pins using an adapter Use electronic switch 4066 to automate programs without having…