Very advanced microcontroller Developmentcircuit many features as well as different firms mikrodeneyleyici also supports some atmel try to set artificial der some microchip author for making a big difference all in one made :) on the circuit Atmel ATmega168, NXP LPC1114 and Microchip PIC18F453, PIC18F250 tested circuit Altium pCB desinger 10 has been prepared by drawing all the files under the user can give to the enlightened
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Published: 2012/11/07 Tags: avr development board, programmer circuit
The reaction of aluminum with Hydrogen Fuel Cells
oil alternative fuel economy quest many have research Aleix Llovet and Xavier Salueñ about this interesting work has been done name dalh2ore a few pieces of aluminum sodium hydroxide substance mixed with chemical reactions as a result of hydrogen is obtained for this job only add fuel their model cars 40mn. 30km per hour is going fast
Universelles Mikrocontroller-Entwicklungskit
Sehr fortgeschrittenen Mikrocontroller Developmentcircuit viele Funktionen sowie verschiedene Firmen mikrodeneyyleyici unterstützt auch einige Atmel versuchen, künstliche der einige Mikrochip-Autor für einen großen Unterschied in einem gemacht gemacht 🙂 auf der Schaltung Atmel ATmega168, NXP LPC1114 und Microchip PIC18F453, PIC18F250 Die getestete Schaltung Altium pCB desinger 10 wurde erstellt, indem alle Dateien unter dem Benutzer gezeichnet werden, die erleuchtete