Power supply circuits, power supply projects Constant-regulated switching of various voltages and powers, linear integrated-transistor power supply applications
Adjustable Laboratory Power Supply SMPS design a lab power supply switching concept, which will work in kvazirezonancním fashion. The source should have one symmetrical output 0 to ±30 V / 5A (UCC28600) and one output single-ended +5V / 2A. (TOP243) Equipment opatrete digital indication of the output voltage and current and the electronic protection during…
0-30V 0-6A Adjustable Laboratory power supply LCD Display ATmega16 controlled The basic involvement of the entire laboratory resources. Ac mains voltage 230V is transformed into two equal dc voltage 35V and also on the two voltage with a value of 5V for various polaritách. To a voltage of 35V is connected part of the Active…
Adjustable Laboratory power supply adjustable Voltage 0-30v adjustable current 20Ma-5A TL494 DC-DC Buck Converter high efficiency. A PWM generator is used to generate budiaceho signal for spínanú control. As a source of PWM the signal is used, the integrated circuit TL494 PWM signal for switching of the upper trigger is created using the outputs C2…
the STM32F40X in the project based on switched power switch mode works as size too small voltage 0-24 and 0-3a can be made between the current setting information is displayed on LCD screen voltage and current of the RGB LED. STM32F40X other things that are used outside integrated circuits, transistors, etc. I don’t think it…
Just shared STM32F40X microcontroller atmega8 to control a power source according to the project feasibility project, it’s made with more power in the sight of ola, p-channel mosfet irf5305. That’s how things work in 2 different high-efficiency low-voltage 24…30v high-voltage buck and Boost LED indicator for voltage and current used in the display. Gerber PCB…
Given that quite actively interested in the construction of power supplies power amplifiers, as well as for the design of switching and linear power, so I embarked on the design and subsequent construction of a linear power supply with parameters advising the construction of the category of “laboratory”, mainly due to the scope of regulation…
To reach the simple design of the power supply and at the same time easy output voltage and current limit, I decided to use the well-known monolithic integrated Adjustable voltage and current regulator L200 series in the case Pentawat with five outlets by ST Microelectronics. The voltage can be set to the values of two…
Power supply Circuit is very powerful and simple design has regulated for 6 TIP142 transistor used transistors fin cooler on the mounted 2 x 12v fan cooling provided transformers used output 17VAC will power the 350w DC rectifier solid 35 amps metal bridge diode is used filter capacitor for 11 in addition to used 4700uF…
Power supply circuit 0 … 400v voltages setting 22mA … 600mA (maximum 1A) from the current setting is able circuit TCA785 phase control integrated on the more complicated but the voltage is high, the design for which we are accustomed system different from the tl081 opamp to feed used dcdc converter on the market have…
LM317T based on the 1.3V 30-volt 0-5 amp regulated power supply circuit before I saw it but only scheme because not want to share recent search came at the same circuit made I did see 2 version LM317T regulator IC of the transistor with a power Upgrading lm301 opamp with current control kt818 is done…