Tag: power electronic projects

Power supply circuits, SMPS Power supplies Switched DC DC Power supplies Inverter circuits Battery Battery Charging Circuits. Power electronics circuits, projects.

Li-ion Lipo Battery Charger Circuit MAX1811 USB Powered

| 2009/03/14

MAX1811 USB port on to recharge the battery produced an integrated very little material circuit can be established circuit charge status LEDs can be observed also 4.1 volts, 4.2 volts elections and 100mA 500mA charging current can be selected fed lipo li-ion battery charging circuit circuit eagle crafted with PCBs and schema files available MAX1811…

Boxed SMPS Design Cooling Examples

| 2009/03/14

SMPS circuits usually open type cooling is very important in power supplies adapter or amateur field studies, so not a problem because it is spacious area has a large fleshy cooling fan deny use to make air circulation and so on. SMPS circuit for closed-type, but has a very fine calculations Below of various brands…

Digital camera flash, continuous light modified

| 2009/03/08

N555 to the one-in flash unit in a digital camera based on the modified MOSFET been supplemented with a simple control circuit to provide continuous light is provided Flash old camera and extracted the flash unit, but unfortunately part of the circuit went with the camera body, and I had to build a little clock…

TDA8138 Two Channel Multi Regulator Circuit 5V 12V

| 2009/02/15

TDA8138 Two Channel Regulator Circuit PCB printed circuit and schematic drawing of TDA8138 datasheet application prepared with eagle cad electronic drawing program. I used to wonder why they wouldn’t do this type of multi-output IC from time to time, but it wasn’t very popular or it didn’t come across to me.. TDA8138 features; Output current…

9V to 13.8V DC DC Converter Circuit LM2577

| 2009/02/04

A search 9v to 12v converter circuit requester had a person which article do not remember was a bit late but certainly someone that would work for a circuit dc-dc converter circuit’s input voltage 9 … 13.8v between the output 13.8 volts (12 .12 v adjustable) 13.8 volt output with 1.68 amps can give Used…

Switched Fast Battery Charger Circuit TEA1102

| 2009/02/04

A versatile circuit, ideal for technical services that do different mixed works, transformer etd29 winding directions used in the switching (smps) section, wire diameters are shown with pictures Quick charge for Nicad, NiMH, LiION, SLA and Lead Acid batteries and accumulators 1.2Volt, 2.4Volt, 3.6Volt, 4.8Volt, 6Volt, 7.2Volt, 8.4Volt, 9.6Volt, 12Volt, 14.4Volt. For SLA and Lead…

PIC16F628A Fast Battery Charge System (12V-6V Batteries)

| 2009/02/04

A complete 12v 6v battery charging system built on a PIC16F628A microcontroller, a very powerful 16.6 amps 2xlcd display with charge voltage, current and temperature can be observed (volt ampere with lcd display can give an idea for a simple measurement circuit for heat) source .asm .hex files prepared with software assembly language exists. The…

5V USB Car Charger Circuit with MC34063 Stepdown DC DC Converter

| 2009/02/02

Sold in the market which is connected to the car’s cigarette lighter socket usb charger kit circuit input voltage of 24 volts to 12 volts 24v batteries used in larger vehicles use the phone, can be used to charge many devices as mp4 MC34063 Stepdown Converter Schematics Source made ​​on site MC34063 contains several different…

Transformerless Energy Saving LED Lamp 220V White LEDs

| 2009/02/02

19 pieces of white LEDs lamp (220v 1w) LEDs used directly without transformer 220nF 220v mains AC voltage of 400 volts (non-polar) and 4.7mf resistor capacitor 100uF 63 volt capacitor with the overthrown 1n4007 diodes are operated with the filtered and rectified by Transformerless 220V LED Lamp Schematic CAUTION 220v LED lighting has been working…

555 Stepdown DC DC Converter 24V to 12V

| 2009/02/02

An interesting circuit transformer core DC12 volts to DC24 volts dc upgrades have been made obsolete n555 number 3 connected to the output end 2sj302 MOSFETs with opto-up Kubla circuit charging source is being used to supply power can give 1.5 to 2 amps In response to the output diode by399 can use 4N25 opto…