Tag: power electronic projects

Power supply circuits, SMPS Power supplies Switched DC DC Power supplies Inverter circuits Battery Battery Charging Circuits. Power electronics circuits, projects.

12V to 30V TL497 DC DC Converter Circuit (20v-30v adjustable)

| 2014/07/04

DC to DC converter An example might be the soldering iron 24V or charging battery pack for aeromodelling, or even power a laptop. Described converter is able without special transformer (and just plain Air coil with inductance of about 30μH) to deliver an output voltage adjustable in range of 20V to 30V when the power…

LT1076 Step-Down 12V to 5V 2A Switching DC DC Converter

| 2014/07/03

A small step down switching converter with a good yield which advantageously replace a linear regulator like 7805. efficiency 30% Linear 7805 efficiency Switching LT1076 80% LT1076 Step-Down Switching integred Regulator 100kHz Switching Frequency 8.5mA Quiescent Current Programmable Current Limit Shutdown Mode 5V DC DC Converter LT1076 Schematic Source: f6csx.free.fr LT1076 DC DC Converter circuit…

Laboratory Power Source LM338 0-30V 30A MJ15004

| 2014/07/03

Given that quite actively interested in the construction of power supplies power amplifiers, as well as for the design of switching and linear power, so I embarked on the design and subsequent construction of a linear power supply with parameters advising the construction of the category of “laboratory”, mainly due to the scope of regulation…

Intelligent 1Ah – 55Ah Battery Charger Circuit UC3906

| 2014/07/03

The charger circuit is equipped with a special integrated circuit UC3906, which can check the battery status in each charging cycle. Therefore suitable for charging conventional lead acid cells and batteries for hermetically. Due to the special circuit structure is simple charger while maintaining optimal performance. Battery Charger Features / Specifications · Input voltage 230V…

Electronic Fuse Circuit for Power Supply

| 2014/07/03

Electronic circuit current fuse is welcome especially in structures of power resources and in particular in power assembled circuits. Classic fuse tube fuse in the wrong PCBs under test is not enough save, sometimes quite expensive components from short-circuit current than the fuse blows, most semiconductor devices has been destroyed long ago. Therefore, it is…

Li-Ion Charger Application Notes

| 2014/03/02

1-Analog Design Note: Charging Simplified for High Capacity Batteries (Microchip Technology) 2-Analog Design Note: A Li-Ion battery charger using tsm102a (STMicroelectronics) 3-Analog Design Note: Li-Ion battery charger Reference Design Li-Ion battery charger Demonstration Board using LM3647 (Texas Instruments) 4-Analog Design Note: Charging Lithium-Ion/Lithium-Polymer Batteries Power Management (Microchip Technology) 5-Analog Design Note: Switch-mode charging topology Charging…

Constant voltage, output power Supply Set for experiments

| 2013/11/13

Hi friends, As our name suggests in this circuit multifunction power supply. However, its share has been to make the circuit of the bay I barely find time. I have my bass with the PCB of the card, but you can see the slight differences based on PCB y. If you change the PCB will…

Mosfet Isolated RGB Led Driver Module

| 2013/11/08

Microcontroller or different control integrated with high-power RGB LEDs rides designed for RGB LED driver circuit difference from others PC817 Optocoupler controlled by solid drive solid isolated from .. In some applications it between two layers of insulation may be required. RGB LED Driver circuits IRFZ48 MOSFETs used in the sprint circuit pcb layout drawings…

Led Display Battery Charging Circuit LM317 LM3914

| 2013/11/06

Circuit 12v battery charger circuit was made for cases according to regulated power supply olarakda available voltage indicator and the battery is full voltage for cutting LM3914 integrated were used .. the battery is full voltage to cut the relay additional circuit LM3914 integrates 10 of the leg connecting to. Battery charging circuit diagram first…

LumiLed Drivers SMPS 700mA 135V TOP250Y

| 2013/09/22

Lumiled Driver SMPS circuit TOP250Y based on shared before, “PI Expert Smps design program” used, but has been modified to 135v at (the pi expert design does not allow over 100v) in addition to raise the voltage transformer sekonderi 30-round hemmed trimpot. a total of 48 pieces lumiled used. 700Ma Lumiled SMPS circuit PI Expert…