Tag: power electronic projects

Power supply circuits, SMPS Power supplies Switched DC DC Power supplies Inverter circuits Battery Battery Charging Circuits. Power electronics circuits, projects.

ATMEGA48 Timer triggered by current flow ASM-010

| 2017/10/01

ATMEGA48 Many devices may be in standby mode during downtime. They do not perform any work, they are apparently disabled, but the control circuits are powered. To extract useful information from the point of view of working time, you should download it from the inside of the device, which may end up with a loss…

MCP73833 USB powered Li-Po charger Circuit

| 2017/10/01

LiPo batteries are increasingly becoming a primary source of power, replacing other chemical sources of energy. The upgraded device, powered by a USB port or a mobile phone charger, allows you to charge medium capacity LiPo cells with critical operating life and operational safety. Compared to the previous one, it offers higher current charging (up…

230V Fan Regulator Circuit Mosfet MC33152 ATtiny25

| 2017/10/01

Brushless asynchronous motors, with compact rotor windings, called short cages, are used to drive different fans. Their advantages are durability and simple construction. The presented layout uses a certain characteristic of such a fan to regulate its rotational speed. The operation is based on a group control method – the motor is powered by a…

1A 10A Adjustable Battery Charging Circuit 100Ah

| 2016/10/15

Atmel ATTINY24 microcontroller based automatic battery charger circuit can charge 12V batteries with different power on (1A…10A current setting range of the charging current with limitation 10Ah, 20Ah, 30Ah, 40Ah, 50Ah, 60Ah, 70Ah, 80Ah, 90Ah, and Max. 100ah wind with a capacity of 12V lead-acid batteries can be used. Current control 2x 0.1-Ohm 5w resistors…

STM32F ARM Programmable Laboratory power supply

| 2016/10/10

Previously shared power supply programmable power supply features advanced digital projects based on a study in stm32f100c8t6b.. pretty, has a detailed structure of the circuit of analog-digital mix-in panel design including all source code, pcb, etc. everything to be shared we will be useful for different projects. digital Power supply specifications Output voltage: 0 ……

2X30V 250W Audio Amplifier SMPS Power Supply TOP249Y

| 2016/06/20

TOP249Y SMPS circuit audio amp. From the derived parameters of the sources in the previous paragraphs, we can now choose a control circuit of switching power supply. According to the required output power we have to choose between the circuits of the topswitch GX series. Between the circuits of this series was chosen circuit TopSwitch…

2X100V 500W Audio Amplifier SMPS Power Supply

| 2016/06/20

Class D Aplifier Switch mode power supply DESIGN OF THE POWER SUPPLY The whole device is necessary to power up of several voltages. The preamp requires a symmetrical voltage 15 V, IRS2092 class d power amplifier symmetric 100V and to +12 In the against the negative branch. The desired performance of the one-hundred-volt branches for…

240W Electronic Ballast Circuit IR2104 ATmega48 Controlled

| 2016/06/19

IR2104 240W Fluorescent tube Ballast Circuit. Work was designed an electronic ballast for starting six fluorescent lamps with a total output of 240W with integrated dimming-controlled analog input and button. Priority is set to control voltage. If the input voltage less than 0.5 V, tests with the push of a button. Measuring the voltage at…

Switchmode Lead–acid Battery Charger UC3845 SMPS 12V 6V 50A

| 2016/06/18

UC3845 Lead–acid Battery SMPS Charger The board is designed as a superior power and a subordinate current regulation, which is powered from the main board. Voltage is sensed using a voltage divider directly on the output switching power supply. Current is sensed by current transformer TR2 and further streamed diode D20, and subsequently converted into…

4X60W Car Amplifier Circuit LM3886 SG3525 DC DC Converter

| 2016/06/18

Amplifier 4×60 Watts. To its solution was first selected integrated circuit LM3886T. The proposal continued the calculations and the election of the additional components of the integrated circuit and the design of printed circuit connections. To the end amplifier was also designed system of active cooling. In the fourth chapter was made the proposal of…