Tag: pic16f628 projects

microcontroller pic16f628 Circuits, pic16f628 Projects pic16f628 sample code pic16f628 applications

PIC16F628A Example RF Transceiver Circuit with PIC-C

| 2008/11/23

Example RF Transceiver Circuit PIC16F628 with C Language “Project Source isis proteus simulation and receiver, transmitter RF Transceiver Circuit Diagram RF Transceiver Circuit proteus isis simulation schematic and PIC16F628 pic c source code files:

PIC16F628 PICBASIC PRO 36 LCD led matrix

| 2008/10/02

Without the use of ready-made modules connected in parallel circuit pic 16F628 36 leds for power output will not be sufficient 2N2222A NPN transistor output circuits powered by regulated the supply of L7805 is provided by In addition to the letters you want to have a computer program to create the shapes of the LEDs…

PIC16F827 Remote Controlled RGB Light Bulbs Lamp Project

| 2008/09/27

Previously PIC16F628 and a similar share had been made in this project is more or less there used microcontroller pic16f627 3 pieces 220v 40w 60w can be used MOC3020 Optodiyak isolation from the provided pic Supply 6 volt transformer made ​​by this way the system is isolated load is used to control Triac BT137 circuit…

Electronic Dimmer Circuit Remote with PIC16F628

| 2008/09/07

PIC16F628 microcontroller realized with remote controlled dimmer circuit on, off and lamp brightness reduction, elevation controls, the control uses the philipos rc5 protocol. In the remote controlled dimmer circuit, instead of the Triac BT137F used for load control, higher power control can be achieved by using a stronger triac. Additionally, the 220v/5v regulated part of…

PIC16F628 LC meter circuit

| 2008/09/03

You can use the LC meter circuit to measure the coil and capacitor values made with the PIC16F628 microcontroller. High precision Digital LC Meter A handy do-it-yourself test equipment – a Digital LC Meter for measuring inductance and capacitance over a wide range. It is based on an ingenious measuring technique, offers astonishing precision and…

Remote Controlled Security System with PIC16F628 PIC16F88

| 2008/09/02

Ideal for keyless entry for doors in the car, home and industry, this Keyless Entry System includes a rolling code to provide high security. It also has two door knock outputs, an alarm system, and a provision for using 16 separate key fob transmitters with the same receiver. Many different electronic systems have been developed…

PIC16F628 Microcontroller Heart Beat Control Circuit

| 2008/09/02

As far as I understand, the circuit is designed to be used in first aid training, it may be used for control in heart massage with a model in electronic heart trainings. It is a different circuit, especially if we consider that there is not much circuit source in medical electronics, it is useful to…

Remote Controlled Toy Car Project PIC16F877 PIC16F628

| 2008/08/24

software CCS used N channel FETs with a 60 amp motor drive circuit and used for different applications control circuit PIC16F877 24c08 eeprom and ICL7660 used CCS EEPROM communication with examples of how you can also control circuit MC33063AP made ​​with dcdc converter circuit and 5 .12 v input 12 … 19v output 12 ……

TDA7318 Surround Sound System TDA8567Q Amplifier PIC16F628A Control

| 2008/08/22

Normally, I don’t share projects that only have hex code without source code, but this is an exception, a different project. Sound system Surround, remote control, 2×16 LCD display (tone, temperature, etc.). Although I shared a similar circuit made with a transformer before, I made a symmetrical smps circuit with IR2153, this circuit is a…

PIC16F628 Stepper motor control LMD18245

| 2008/07/31

Stepper motor control, pic16f628 microcontroller is used in the driver circuit, there is LMD18245 3 Ampere, 55 Volt DMOS full bridge motor driver integrated in the motor control. There are all the resources (pcb, code, schematic, etc.) of the working frequency 20mhz step control project prepared with the PIC software assembly. The author used the…