Tag: motor control circuit

Robot projects, CNC projects Electromechanical and different systems needed Motor control circuits Motor drive circuits

Unipolar and Bipolar Motor Driver Circuits L298 L297

| 2008/05/10

This is a Unipolar Driver controlled flow until 4A 35V, allows us to control engines 5, 6 or 8 wires in unipolar configuration. Al igual que en el driver bipolar de 2A se As in the driver bipolar 2A uses the integrated L297 which interprets the signals from the interface and controls Mosfet IRLZ24N that…

Stepper Motor driver circuit with L297 L298

| 2008/04/13

L298 L297 Motor Driver Robot, cnc, or you could use different control projects prepared with sprint layout PCB and the SPLA have been prepared with schema file. L298 is an integrated H-bridge driver. Bipolar stepper motors are designed for driving. Max 2A/Phas could flow. The output signal is applied to the input phase upgrade to…

PC Controlled Stepper Motor Driver Circuit L298 74LS04

| 2008/04/04

Although the circuits seem simple, a detailed project is controlled from the parallel port of the computer. The circuit built on the 74LS04 is isolated with 4n26 opto couplers and powered by IRF1010E Mosfets. The parallel port is the port that allows to manipulate the stepper motors in any desired variable such as speed, position…

PWM Motor and Power Control with PIC16F84

| 2008/03/05

PIC16F84 4 MHz crystal is connected 100 Hz PWM output produces a pulse width of 10 separate levels are adjusted these values ​​asm software vary from circuit only engine that not all GUS control applications can be used on a frequency of 50 Hz is set inverters driven circuit two buttons have their power levels…

PIC16F876 PWM Motor Speed ​​Control

| 2008/03/02

CCS PCM compiler pic16f876 microcontroller circuit prepared with software installed on the PIC hex output FETs are driven IRL1004 MOSFET PWM frequency of 10 kHz with the engine. Prepared with eagle pcb circuit and printed circuit board file source software. I tried several ready made PWM speed control circuits. Of the few I tried, there…