The Led Cube project was made of LED cube, one side consisted of eight LEDs, a total of 8 obsahuje = 512 LEDs. By multiplexing always the eight LEDs, any spatial “picture” can be made from luminous LEDs. The cube can be used for aesthetic purposes, presentations, games (eg 3D Snake), etc. A total of…
RGB Led cube circuit is basically a real 3D display. Its resolution is determined by the number of LEDs. Greater resolution offers more faithful effects, but the demands on RGB LEDs and controls increase with the cube. So it is advisable to choose the right compromise, between difficulty and resolution. Here is the size of…
The Arduino led pov clock circuit has been an interesting project, and the author has made use of the arduino feeding system with the popular wireless energy transmission method, which is an additional circuit for additional NE555. But if you do not want to deal with the wireless power supply for the Arduino Pro Mini,…
Previously, “White LED Lights with Caravan” written in white LED lamp designs that can be used also for interior lighting of the car. The LEDs used in the LED lamp project are easy to install but they do not light very much because they are low power. .. This LED lighting project is also used…
LED brightness control gives you tremendous control over the light emitted by the LEDs. However, to use them in a safe manner for LEDs and other devices or electrical installations, use appropriate regulators and power supplies. Inputs of unused gates are attached to the power supply. The P1 10 kohm potentiometer allows the PWM to…
It’s quite strange that so many projects are being done with some 555 circuits. “Domino’s” 555 timer 555 circuit is an interesting electronic circuit with a chip that is prepared based on the different LEDs and photodiodes made a lot from each other they trigger it’s a domino effect, the author is also the project…
100W Power Led Driver Circuit Select the suitable type of a power driver, if the lamp with LED of power about 100W supplied from a distribution network 230V. Compare the different options for solution driver. Build a simplified a mathematical model of the used LEDS and the simulation in the environment Matlab-Simulink UCC3813D UCC28180 An…
Which meant my mind for a while to do but I think the new 20W Halogens in the bathroom that led from their place and occur at the end of SMD5050 I wanted to share the spotlight. Each of the light is nice, although certain Halogens, heat, and power consumption is high. Also will be…
Circuit used MOSFET N-Channel CSD18534KCS. I don’t think would be found in the market that may meet or beat irfz44 MOSFETs used can be different from R1, R2, R3 4.7 K resistors Extension Led Strip source: alternative link: FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format):
A first “ATmega8 DS18B20 Led Clock Thermometer DS1307 Circuit” shared the top version of the more advanced and small project 1. Indicator 8 × 24 led matrix used still have Hours of heat measurement 2 knal (DS18B20) thermometer circuit based on microcontroller ATmega16 projects have all the source codes of different pcb versiyonlarıda pretty advanced…