Tag: electronics software tools

electronic programs calculation pcb schema drawing simulation converters, programmer software, isis library library free electronic software electronic calculator

DIY Layout Creator for Hobbyists and Electronics Enthusiasts

| 2025/03/03

DIY Layout Creator (DIYLC) is a special software designed for hobbyists and electronics enthusiasts to create circuit layouts on breadboards, perforated boards, PCBs and point-to-point wiring. It provides an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface to place components, arrange connections and visualize circuit designs before assembly. It allows users to design layouts with precision and clarity with its…

Calculation Programs SMPS Coil Transformer

| 2024/03/16

The latest, packaged version of the calculation programs shared in the articles Advanced SMPS Transformer Design Program ExcellentIT and SMPS Converter Coil Transformer Calculation Programs has been updated for about 13 years, and the author has made a great effort. Unfortunately @Starichok master stopped developing. I had to use the Excellent IT 9.1 version, but…

Sprint Layout 6 KiCad Footprint, EasyEDA Library SVG, Qr Code, Font Plugin

| 2022/07/01

With the Sprint Layout 6 SprintFont plugin, you can transfer KiCad Footprint files and add many new elements to the library, you can also pull EasyEDA libraries online and import SVG, Orkod icons. Finally, texts in different fonts can be added, all details are in the video.   Sprint Layout 6 SprintFont Plugin and KiCad…

DC DC Converter Models Matlab

| 2021/09/19

Matlab models of DC DC converters A study on standard DC DC converters with transformers, their applications and simulation results in Matlab Simulink software environment using Simscape library. A large part of the work is devoted to the theory and design of the transformer model, which is an important part of the transformer DC DC…

Using Sprint Layout 6 PCB Program

| 2020/02/06

I previously shared a short video with v4 version in Sprint-Layout printed circuit preparation video narration. I made a new video for Sprint Layout 6 and tried to show as many details as possible. General settings, features, single, double and ground plane PCB drawing examples, Gerber import, Image PCB copying, tips and tricks. Sprint Layout…

Panel Design Program Download

| 2020/02/06

The program for panel design is free. It can be used for panel design of electronic device boxes, boards, industrial boxes. dfx can be imported and exported win 10, 7, 8 xp 32 and 64 bit versions are at a level that can do professional work. The program is in English, detailed usage information is…

LTspice Program Download

| 2020/02/06

LTspice XVII is a schematic, circuit simulation program. LTspice has gone through a full rewrite process to improve the simulator’s performance, fix bugs, and expand the simulator to run industry-standard semiconductor and behavior models. A digital simulation feature has been added, including co-simulation. Extensive enhancements have been made to the analog SPICE simulator, such as…

Led Matrix Studio Arduino, Microchip

| 2018/06/10

Microcontroller LED Matrix Studio is an application designed for electronic enthusiasts who want to accelerate the development of LED and matrix projects. Many different export options support animations and different matrix sizes. It can be used to design fonts, graphics and animations for PICAXE, PIC, Arduino, Parallax and other electronic or micro controller projects. An…

Printer Ink Cartridge Resetter Programs

| 2018/06/10

Pronter service tools programs Ink Cartridge Resetter.. In addition to the PIC12F629 share, the Epson Cartridge Chip Resets for Epson Printers and the Epson Cartridge Chip Resets is an archive of rescue programs in Epson, Canon printers. In addition, the printer EEPROM file can be saved in some cases. Cartridge reset programs work directly in…

Speaker Parallel Serial Connection Calculator

| 2018/06/10

Sometimes in home audio systems or auto audio systems, the speakers need to be connected in parallel, sometimes this type of connection is necessary. Prepared with Excel Speaker serial, parallel connection calculation tool Anfi power loudspeaker omaj, total connection according to the connection shape, consuming power shows. 2, 3, 4 serial, parallel speaker connection and…