Tag: arduino projects

Arduino is a very high module for sale Arduino Types, There are many Arduino applications as well as models. Particularly software-oriented is the great advantage of installing electronic hardware with additional Arduino modules.

Arduino 8 Band Neopixel Strip Led Spectrum Analyzer Circuit

| 2019/08/09

Arduino Neopixel Spectrum Analyzer Microphone, Arduino, and LED strip to express the sound with light, together with hardware developer who likes to make physical computing, new media art, and IoT. An Arduino ws2812 8 band led spectrum analyzer was produced. ws2812 LED strip (144 LED / 1M), Arduino pro mini 5V 16MHz, Breadboard, Microphone, 1…

TPS92513 TL494 Power Led Driver Circuit

| 2019/08/08

Design of controllable current source, which will be used to control the brightness of the power LEDs. It is intended to use fifteen PWM outputs from Arduino for management of fifteen resources. This application will be used to calibrate the camera. That’s why it is minimum ripple current through the LEDs is required. At the…

Arduino EMG Processing

| 2019/08/08

EMG Processing Arduino Focused on the design of active hand prosthesis. This work summarizes upper limb anatomy with focus on forearm. Subsequently, it deals with amputation techniques and indications for amputations. The part describing contemporary prostheses is important for the design of active forearm prosthesis, which is described in the third and fourth chapters. The…

Arduino UNO Luxmeter Project (LCD USB)

| 2019/06/16

When reviving a luxmeter on a printed circuit board, there was a problem that the proposed connection is inoperative. The first option was quickly verified by measuring the printed circuit board with a multimeter. An error was found in the wiring. Grounding of MCP1258 was not connected to dissolved ground. The defect was fixed, but…

Arduino YUN Security Project USB modem PIR, IP Cam FTP

| 2019/06/15

Deals with the design of a special security system in which, apart from the usual parts such as camera and motion sensor, a USB dongle will be used to send the recorded videos via UMTS or LTE mobile networks to the server where they can be viewed. Nowadays, when mobile operators offer unlimited tariffs and…

Atmel Arduino Colored Connection Chart

| 2018/06/10

Projects or schematics, drawings that will work when preparing pcb Atmel AVR Microprocessors Information Tags for “Share” drawings directly on Atmel microcontrollers. Colored linking expansions are more comprehensible for those dealing with Atmel Series microcontrollers or Arduino projects It will be. Most of them are in high resolution .PDF version. Atmel Arduino Sample Link Extensions…

Arduino External Circuit Connection Charts

| 2018/06/10

Arduino transistors, LEDs, motors, MOSFETs, various electronic components, circuit connection diagrams that will be of great use for Arduino projects, Arduino circuits or those who are new to Arduino programming … Circuit diagrams are simple to understand Detailed studies on the color codes of the resistors used in Arduino circuit connections …. Arduino Connection Diagram…

Balance Robot Arduino Uno

| 2018/06/10

Previously shared “ Analog Balance Robot “project using Arduino Uno . Motor drive SparkFun Ardumoto this module is based on the L298 motor drive integration SMD materials are used because the size of the padded small motors pull the current is not high enough power in the market have similar modules. 2 small gearmotors are…

Arduino Library Files Proteus

| 2018/06/09

The Proteus simulation program works especially well for testing microcontroller projects, but at least it gives some insight. Proteus libraries for Arduino Arduino Proteus Models Proteus Arduino Mega1280 Proteus Arduino UNO Proteus Arduino Pro Mini Proteus Arduino Mega2560 Proteus Arduino Nano Proteus Arduino Mini Arduino Proteus library files to be assigned to Proteus LIBRARY C:\Program…

Led Pov Clock Arduino Pro Mini

| 2018/06/09

The Arduino led pov clock circuit has been an interesting project, and the author has made use of the arduino feeding system with the popular wireless energy transmission method, which is an additional circuit for additional NE555. But if you do not want to deal with the wireless power supply for the Arduino Pro Mini,…