PIC16F877 LCD Motors Speed indicator Encoder Circuit

| July 16, 2023 Updated
PIC16F877 LCD Motors Speed indicator Encoder Circuit

Encoder circuit showing motor speed on LCD with PIC16F877 Microcontroller Explanations about program and circuit The flow chart of the project consists of two parts. These; is the flowchart of the main program and the interrupt routine is the flowchart.

PORTA and PORTB directions are defined in the main program. Then the program enters an infinite loop and a pulse is expected from the encoder. The “count” variable is incremented by one each time a pulse is received from the encoder.

The interrupt routine goes every 66 ms. At the beginning of the program, the LCD is prepared again. Then every 66 ms the speed of the motor is calculated and printed on the peer.

Again, since ADC is used in our program, the speed of the motor is adjusted with PWM. PWM is already mentioned in the flowchart.

PIC16F877 Motors Speed indicator Encoder Schematic


lcd-konum-hiz-150x150 encoder-test-150x150 picc-encoder-devresi-150x150

Encoder project Files isis simulation schematic and pic c source code files

PIC16F877 LCD Motors Speed indicator Encoder Circuit

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2009/02/21 Tags: , ,

1 Comment “PIC16F877 LCD Motors Speed indicator Encoder Circuit

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