The work of my brother Mustafa (Tek mountain electronic) can play 4 melodies based on PIC 12F675, the software is prepared with proton
I used pic12f675 in the circuit. Actually I was going to use pic16f84, but in 84 it gets 4 melodies in pic 675. When we energize the circuit, when we energize the led, when we press the dim button, the led lights up and the first melody starts to play.
When our first melody is finished, the led turns off and the button is expected to be pressed again. It lights up again and this time plays the 2nd melody. This continues until 4 melodies are played. If the button is pressed again after the 4th melody, it will return to the first melody.
Electronic Doorbell Circuit Schematic
Electronic doorbell chime source projects. Pressure. Hex isis proteus simulation files, computer simulations can listen to tunes while
PIC12F675 Electronic Doorbell Melody Circuit Proton ide source code proteus isis schematic simulation files
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/05/10 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects
Weller Soldering Adjustable Temperature Control Circuit
WELLER EC2002 Soldering station LF353N soldering control circuit and SL443 integrated power control based on the indicators provided by the triac TIC225M 7-segment display section 3 (MAN71 A) CA3161 used to drive the circuit diagram and PCB drawings are upside down