IR Remote Control Circuits with PICmicro

| June 30, 2023 Updated
IR Remote Control Circuits with PICmicro

PIC12F629, PIC16F630, PIC16F84 microcontroller prepared with different control circuits available 3-8-10 Channel

Control projects have hex and asm code only 10 channels available in the command and control circuit pcb file. Check-in will use the PIC can control various devices by the control elements from the simplest relay circuits used in



IR Remote Control with PICmicro circuit files:

IR Remote Control Circuits with PICmicro


Published: 2008/01/12 Tags: , ,

2 Comments “IR Remote Control Circuits with PICmicro

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    Computer Device Control with LPT Relay

    LPT port of your computer using the simple and cheap 🙂 You can control various devices such as
    three circuits have one ULN2803 Used a few passive components easily with the application can be made, but not isolated, the other two is enabled LPT Port from the isolated state opto Kubla made ​​with 24 volts and 12 volts for the relay have two applications 24 Volt Relay Control Circuit 4N22 Opto Kubla’s Used other I applied in the past 12 volt control circuit and a circuit of a simple control program Source code of the program in Visual Basic 6 program gellistir If you have any information you may have

  2. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte

    IR-Fernbedienungsschaltkreise mit PICmicro

    Mikrocontroller PIC12F629, PIC16F630, PIC16F84, vorbereitet mit verschiedenen Steuerkreisen, verfügbar mit 3-8-10 Kanälen

    Steuerprojekte haben hexadezimalen und asm-Code. In der Steuerplatinen-PCB-Datei sind nur 10 Kanäle verfügbar. Beim Einchecken kann der PIC verschiedene Geräte über die Bedienelemente aus den einfachsten in verwendeten Relaisschaltungen ansteuern


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